Anything look suspicious?


Well-Known Member
yeah when things are to be presented as 'fact'.
Anyone could throw a picture up there they made.
It isn't considered a credible source these days.
yeah, about the only time I look at wiki is to get the meaning of new slang,
or a 'rough' idea of who some is that I've never heard of.
yeah, I only trust very few people 100%, and I know them totally.
I've never even met Paul, much less know the people running his sirte for him.
If one put trust so blindly in another, then one is stting one's self up for a disapointment/fall.

Don't be nieve Goth.
see other tread about my new spell checker.
then it said I didn't havepermission to edit here.
I'm starting not to like this win 7 64.
the 32bit seemed to work fine.
i really like x64 OSs. had XP 64 and now 7 64. let's me actually use my 24 gigs of RAM. becomes important when running 30+ plugins inside an audio editor.

not sure how x64 vs 32 would impact spell check though...
meh, I had xp 64 before too.
they are similar to linux in that there are the same kind of programs out there.
You just have to get used to the different name, and slightly different usage,
aaand find um.

This new system I just built is smokin' though.
meh, it's nothing special by todays gaming, and or video editing standards,
but the fastest I've owned so far.
I bought the parts from my eldest god-son because my eldest nephew gave him
an upgraded system. (parts are moving around here all the time)

This one has...
Gigabite (G31M-ES2L) mobo w/intel E6700 cpu
2GB mem corsair value select. (soon to be upgraded to 4bg of GSkill cas4)
250gb seagate HD 3.0gbs sata
in my old Asus Vento 3600 case.
I think the PSU is a GBT 575 (I think they have been discontinued) but I
have a Thermaltake ready
I have a MSI NX8600GTS video card, but don't need it atm for what I do.
Asus dvd burner.
and of coarse win 7 64bit
yeah it's all about what you need it to do. i'm running audio shit, illustrator, video editing, so need mucho power. i don't even remember what the CPU is but i think it's maybe a 3.2 quad core (i think it has the four more "virtual cores")... my concerns are more disk i/o and RAM...
yeah, I only trust very few people 100%, and I know them totally.
I've never even met Paul, much less know the people running his sirte for him.
If one put trust so blindly in another, then one is stting one's self up for a disapointment/fall.

Don't be nieve Goth.

Umm....I did give a news clip on the graph.