Apparently you don't have to be very smart to work at the Pentagon


Or maybe it's just a desperate attempt to step up the ad campaign and she thinks Americans are mostly uneducated.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Forget Stalin or Hitler.
The worst ruler in world history is Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, the Pentagon said on Monday.

"The Iraqi people will be free of decades and decades and decades of torture and oppression the likes of which I think the world has not ever seen before," Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke told a Pentagon news conference.
Someone get me a date with her, willya? If she believes that, she'll believe this <ziiiip><flop> is 18 inches.
Young shits:D

Brutality? Give him the chance and I am sure he would do Hitler or Stalin proud. As brutal as them? Yes!

Killed as many people? No, not yet.

Give him the chance and he would kill every last jew alive, you know it. You ever think of that? Presently Israel has 6 million Jews. The same amount killed by Europe.

How many jewish murders has he funded in the last 3~5 years? At least 200~500. You forget he pays peoples families cash for blowing themselves up in Israel?

I have no doubts he had some cash involved with the 9/11 disaster.

I have to disagree with Ms. Clark though her statement was a bit exaggerated to some extant.


Saddam has been condemned for his exceptional brutality against his own people but historians generally agree that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and Soviet leader Josef Stalin were responsible for killing more people than any other dictators in world history.

This raises some of my curiousity since we are comparing Saddam, Hitler and Stalin.

There is one difference between Hitler/Stalin and Saddam though.

Kiddies you all know what that is?

...da da da da.....Jeopardy jingle...
times UP.


"Hitler and Stalin are DEAD."

Imagine that?
ol' man, isn't there some question whether that is in fact a difference????? Here's hoping it's not.
Guess that's what happens with college graduates...Too much time with books, and not enough in the 'real' world. :D

Her Bio.