

molṑn labé
Staff member
Whether you hate GW or not, is it appropriate to make a movie that shows the current American President (Canadian or British or French PM, etc) being assasinated?

"It's an extraordinarily gripping and powerful piece of work, a drama constructed like a documentary that looks back at the assassination of George Bush as the starting point for a very gripping detective story.

"It's a pointed political examination of what the War on Terror did to the American body politic.

"I'm sure that there will be people who will be upset by it but when you watch it you realise what a sophisticated piece of work it is.

"It's not sensationalist, or simplistic but a very thought-provoking, powerful drama. I hope people will see that the intention behind it is good."

The film will premier at the Toronto Film Festival in September and was written and directed by Gabriel Range.

This is London
Nothing wrong with it. It's a "what if" story. Your reading more into it than is there.
Perhaps. After almsot 6 years of Bush sucks, it seems a line of decency has been crossed.
Perhaps. After almsot 6 years of Bush sucks, it seems a line of decency has been crossed.

Would it be different to you if it were Tony Blair? Jaques Chirac? Osama bin Laden? It's speculative fiction, you just don't like the particular speculation. Nothing wrong with that either, don't watch the show.
If you read th eoriginal post, I did include them. A sitting head of state should not be the subject of a mockudrama.

ALL sitting heads of state should be the subject of EXTENSIVE mocking, in several forms.

if you don;t like it, you could just watch COPS instead, to get you authority projection fix.

i'll stick to girl-on-girl porn mostly, though.
Mocking is not the problem.

Showing them assasinated is a bit leading, docha think?
it's a film, freedom of speach.

Leaders can be mocked, written about and yes, even have movies made about their assisination.

lese magesty.
Well, yea, we wanted him dead.

Which is much the point of this exercise isn't it?

Proffesur said:
So it's OK to take out someone else's leader, just not yours, eh?

Considering the situation & the target, yea. It was Hot Shots, not a realistic appearing documentary bsaed on political belief ("It's a pointed political examination of what the War on Terror did to the American body politic.") I'd find it similarly inappropriate if it was The Queen or Jaques or your guy. Hell, I'd fight in inappropriate if it was the Iranian boss...given the style of presentation.
So now it's not the target, but the style that bothers you? Gonz, you're making even less sense than usual.
Advertising works.

The last election had a book, also having GW killed. That didn't go over so well so now they're using TV.

Not many people said I Killed because of Monty Python.
Ever watch 24?

I'm not wild about media/arts portraying the topic, as I find it rather tasteless. There are other plot turns available. But at the same time, I know it's going to happen. Art imitates life, and there is not one leader anywhere that doesn't have someone who wants him/her dead. It goes with the territory, like wearing a tie or posing for photos. You accept it with the job you campaigned for. Don't want it? Don't seek the job.
Ever watch 24?


Other shows have had leaders die. Some violently. I have no problem with an anonymous, no name President (President Bob Smith) getting killed. I do find it leading, tasteless & inappropriate for the current head of state to be portrayed as a victim of violent crime when the possiblity of such already exists.

Prof-not being of sound mind this morning, I pussied out. Yes, it is okay for someone elses leader to be long as it's not an ally or our own. In fact, when the leader they show getting killed is a leader that we are at war with, it's highly commendable for our arts to present their boss stung up like a wet rag. It is, in fact, patriotic.