April showers

The wind was NUTS, the windows on the 22nd floor of the office building where i work were "rattling" or bowing or whatever you wanna call it.
It seemed to rain long enough to drench all the walking-home kids, and then it stopped.
I love when it rains on a hot day and the steam rises from the road ... simple pleasures

There's a lot to be said for simple pleasures in life.

Forget them and you are half-dead already.

Best, BB
Ugh, Sharky. Remind brother Jeb that you are in FLORIDA.90% of your coastline is, well, a coastline. Lots of water.
Ugh, Sharky. Remind brother Jeb that you are in FLORIDA.90% of your coastline is, well, a coastline. Lots of water.

Jeb! is history. We have Charlie Crist now. *puke3*

We want Jeb! back. :(

Unfortunately, that water is salty. However, we are sitting on top of the Floridan Aquifer (at least here in the Panhandle). Trick is, tapping it. :shrug:
California built quite a few desal plants during the drought of the late 1980s and early 1990s.
North Texas got pounded and flooded yesterday afternoon/evening --- some places 10 inches.

We received 1.25 inches between 1AM and 6AM this morning. Lots of lightning and huge rolling thunder. Thank goodness, no high winds.