

Well-Known Member
..I just had a dream where you were in my uncles basement building a model ship that you thought was sexy...
That's really odd, because I used to build model ships when I was a kid... maybe you should get out of MY head! :eek:
Maybe he is a reincarnation of you, but without you being dead? And somehow your minds are linked :eek:

Or he is a clone of you that needs your genes because he was programmed by the Romulans to degrade if he wasn't utilised as a weapon etc... Oh hang on that Star Trek: Nemesis... doh... :nuts:

But did you like the way they couldn't completely right him off. There is the childlike version of him that has his memories uploaded to... nobody ever dies anymore, hardly ever even the red uniformed security guys.
The dream took place in my uncles basement, which is kinda freaky, because I have a model ship identical to the one you were building there, I just haven't had the time to assemble it (too busy fixing damn puters to start with a ship)

It was a wooden sailing ship too :)
Oooohh... sailing ships are sexy. I had a huge model of the US Constitution that I got when I was about ten. I never did get that sumbitch put together though. I got the hull done, and I was working on all those freaking cannons-- you had to glue this damn little string to each one and glue the ends to the hull. Gawd! It was tedious, and I just didn't have the patience for it then. Probably wouldn't have the patience for it now, but I've thought about trying to get it again so I could take another shot at it. The one I had I, ummm, heh... I gave it to one of my uncles. :lol: I don't know if he ever got it all put together or not. I think he said that there were pieces missing. :)
It was the USS Constitution (the 1790 one, right), and at least 4 feet long...

Mine is like 2 feet long, 2 or 3 masts
It wasn't four feet long... I've seen the darn thing for sale at some online store... Hang on.... yeah, here it is. It was three feet long.... still pretty long. Heh. It was a big project for a kid. My mom has a picture of me holding up the box (it was a xmas present), and you almost can't see me behind it. :p