Are there differences in the people across forums?


New Member
I am browsing through forums. Aside from the pretty theme colors are the people generally the same?

I know the other forums I visit regarding social chats doesn't really have smarty pants. Then the other ones have to many smart asses. Quite a difference in intellectual scales.

Say.... there's a interforum olmpics, do you think one forum is smarter than the other?
hey there :)

I'm pleased to say that the forums here make for a good spread of people. All serious stuff is usually in the Real World.

Do you mean the forums just on otc?

If yes...everyone visits pretty much all the forums here. Sorry I don't quite know what you mean... :retard:
I think most forums eventually reach a similar plane with their "designated" comics, intellectuals, argumentarians, Inquisitors, and skeptics....Sometimes a forum theme dictates a slightly different genre of people but they still seem to acquire a similar mix of personalities.
Welcome to OTC

PS, this forum has smarty pants, smarty asses and a mexican :D
I think that some forums are made up of just one person, and all his or her personalities.
seriously, though, it sounds like you got the impression people usually stick to one forum. But everyone here just posts around anyywhere, there's no 'type' of person. In the Real World you'll get frighteningly intelligent people, and in the LL you'll get goofy schmucks...but they're all the same people. There's not many of us anyway, compared to most places. :)


(I think we put them off with the smart-ass talk...)
Nah.. It was probably a psyche major seeing how quick he could get us to go all Lord of the Flies on each other.
great ... I guess that makes me piggy. I need a 5 second head start before you shmucks start trying to spear me.