Oh yeah. SOO stupid....anybody remember columbine? No, I suppose not.
Just answer this....if maintaining the relative looseness of U.S gun laws sustains your idea of "freedom" and "dem0cracy" and individual "rights", tell me why are the same laws are as equally self-destructive?
imo, you are the STUPID ones firstly for ignoring the fact that in the world, the U.S has comparatively higher rates of violent crime - especially involving firearms) than other developed, "democratic", "free" countries...incidentally, your example of the UK is a stupid one, because of that. I live in this beautiful country where strict gun control is in place and we're not a simmering blood bath by any means.
Secondly, for reading and literally 'taking as GOSPEL' a News article from Fox News, (which is, btw, which is infamously - even here from the objective stance in N.Z - far from 'fair and balanced) an article, might I say, that is clearly written from a biased point of view and most laughably simplified into the most idiotic binary favouring...once again, the right wing over the left, and giving little detail or explanation into the issue apart from drawing on your existing sympathies and playing with your own 'fear' to add the x factor to the story. It really stumps me to think that you the same people that oppose abortion on moral and Christian grounds still uphold the most loose gun laws for a developed country in the world.
Although the article would have you believe that "If gun control worked, Washington, D.C., would be the beacon. However, it's the murder capital of the United States The reason for the so-called "bloodshed" Washington, perhaps isn't entirely excusable due to gun control as there are a huge number of contributing factors to crime and violence - not just the existence of 'gun control' which is absolute crap. If gun control had anything to do with crime in Washington, I think its more realistic to consider the fact that it is a state in a country where people find it culturally acceptable to be carrying and owning guns, taking around on the street or buying it on special at the local 'Wal-Mart' (I don't know where you buy guns over there, but I understand in some places its almost as easy as doing a grocery shop).
Perhaps though, its not entirely a good idea after all - for a place that was founded on guns and religious fanaticism, for the
stupid masses that continue the founding cowboys-and-indians nature of the American dream accompanied by a good aim; perhaps your conception of freedom and human rights is so thwarted that you just don't know any better.
thereby, I'm not really sure passing a bill for or against gun control really would make much difference to people with that ingrained attitude towards gun use at all - and then that way, I would have to come to the conclusion that yes...it really is stupid.