Are these people stupid,

As the popular saying goes, when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. The rest of us poor fucks are sitting ducks.
Stuff like this always reminds me of a saying that I can't remember the source of now; People learn rarely from their own mistakes and almost never from anyone else's.
Firearms would be allowed only for police officers, security guards, members of the military, and anyone else "actually employed and engaged in protecting and preserving property or life within the scope of his or her employment," according to the measure.

Dead easy. Inky, start a security company. All employees are paid a dollar a day. All employees are also customers. They pay two dollars a day for security to their personal property. They are now legally able to posess and use handguns.

Next case?

BTW, the crooks must be laughing their asses off. Or they would be if they weren't so busy getting out the vote.
San Francisco reminds me of a person too stupid to remember that you don't stick your tounge onto the frozen lamp pole.
Anybody wanna join me in an armed robbery in the City of San Francisco. We'll be safe from thug second amendment activists.

Oh yeah. SOO stupid....anybody remember columbine? No, I suppose not.

Just answer this....if maintaining the relative looseness of U.S gun laws sustains your idea of "freedom" and "dem0cracy" and individual "rights", tell me why are the same laws are as equally self-destructive?

imo, you are the STUPID ones firstly for ignoring the fact that in the world, the U.S has comparatively higher rates of violent crime - especially involving firearms) than other developed, "democratic", "free" countries...incidentally, your example of the UK is a stupid one, because of that. I live in this beautiful country where strict gun control is in place and we're not a simmering blood bath by any means.

Secondly, for reading and literally 'taking as GOSPEL' a News article from Fox News, (which is, btw, which is infamously - even here from the objective stance in N.Z - far from 'fair and balanced) an article, might I say, that is clearly written from a biased point of view and most laughably simplified into the most idiotic binary favouring...once again, the right wing over the left, and giving little detail or explanation into the issue apart from drawing on your existing sympathies and playing with your own 'fear' to add the x factor to the story. It really stumps me to think that you the same people that oppose abortion on moral and Christian grounds still uphold the most loose gun laws for a developed country in the world.

Although the article would have you believe that "If gun control worked, Washington, D.C., would be the beacon. However, it's the murder capital of the United States The reason for the so-called "bloodshed" Washington, perhaps isn't entirely excusable due to gun control as there are a huge number of contributing factors to crime and violence - not just the existence of 'gun control' which is absolute crap. If gun control had anything to do with crime in Washington, I think its more realistic to consider the fact that it is a state in a country where people find it culturally acceptable to be carrying and owning guns, taking around on the street or buying it on special at the local 'Wal-Mart' (I don't know where you buy guns over there, but I understand in some places its almost as easy as doing a grocery shop).

Perhaps though, its not entirely a good idea after all - for a place that was founded on guns and religious fanaticism, for the stupid masses that continue the founding cowboys-and-indians nature of the American dream accompanied by a good aim; perhaps your conception of freedom and human rights is so thwarted that you just don't know any better.

thereby, I'm not really sure passing a bill for or against gun control really would make much difference to people with that ingrained attitude towards gun use at all - and then that way, I would have to come to the conclusion that really is stupid.
Hmm... I am rather turned off by the hotheaded, insulting, anti-socratic broad paintbrushing presented in that ^. Such seething temperment.
tg said:
I live in this beautiful country where strict gun control is in place and we're not a simmering blood bath by any means.

The murder rate in London has doubled in 12 months to reach one of its highest levels ever, according to the most recent Home Office statistics, which have been leaked to the Telegraph.


BRITAIN'S murder rate has risen to its highest level since records began 100 years ago, undermining claims by ministers that they have got violent crime under control.

The number of murders notified to police in the first eight months of this year has risen by as much as 22% in some of Britain's biggest cities, which account for the majority of homicides.

This builds on a 4% rise in the murder rate in the year to March and is 20% higher than the total for 1997.


Guns are a tool. People kill.
tg said:
Fox News, (which is, btw, which is infamously - even here from the objective stance in N.Z - far from 'fair and balanced)

Again, I ask for PROOF that Fox News is anything but fair & balanced.

:shrug:I'd rather be shot than have to explain something to a brick wall....:suicide:

But if you're genuinely interested in considering another viewpoint - then I suggest you take a in a documentary such as Outfoxed ( website )
or buy the video/view comments hereOutfoxed

But also, to get the gist of how the media works in order to understand why I maintain that Fox is one of the most filthy of them all, I suggest you also check out Noam Chomskys very cool doco Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the Media
about the coorporate/political worlds domination of the media and its influence on media content

Lastly, for a fantastic website and and informative view, I suggest you take a look at this site here:

and browse the "beginners guide" "how the media affects us", "who owns the media" sections etc

and learn about Media Literacy at

perhaps you will see where I am coming from. I'm not counting on it, but there you go.

Voila! saved from another rant courtesy of tank girl
;) :suicide: that run by the producers of Fahrenheit 911?

Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the Media ...over 5 years before the Fox News channel was established.

I, for the third time, ask YOU to provide proof that FoxNews is anything but fair & balanced. Have you even watched FoxNews? (again, not Hannity & Colmes nor The No Spin Zone, those are talk shows).
Oh, might I just add - if you think the news makers of Fox give a damn about telling the fair and accurate truth in the interest of the "public good" you're wrong...if they did, they would hardly be as popular as they are - the reason that they are so popular is that they clearly aim to tell conservative Americans what they want to hear, period.

In fact, Journalist's on the Fox network are told by the powers that be what the conclusion of a story will be and how it will be written in order to support their political, right wing point of view before they research and report it.
Fair huh?

The benifits of a large audience = high ratings, high ratings = $$$$$$$

In reality, it is just another business trying to meet a market imperative and using dirtier tactics than a used-car salesman.

No wonder, its run by News Coorporation and Rupert Murdoch :evil:
Gonz said: that run by the producers of Fahrenheit 911?

Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the Media ...over 5 years before the Fox News channel was established.'s actually probably even more relevant that point. Because Fox News merely fulfills what chomsky has being saying about the media for so long. (ie: the propoganda model )

but if you had read what I said you would see that the point behind that is, is the

I, for the third time, ask YOU to provide proof that FoxNews is anything but fair & balanced.

you really don't want me to do that - it might result in a 5000 word essay :p....but if you insist... :D

Have you even watched FoxNews? (again, not Hannity & Colmes nor The No Spin Zone, those are talk shows).

Yeah, I have.
Proof? x4

Can't you do your own research? the proof is there, if you can be bothered to surf the links and find the information.

but I will try and attempt to simplify the matter for your benefit (basically unheard of for me)

1 Fox news is the entrepeneurial news network established by News Coorporation owned by Rupert Murdoch (aussie with U.S citizenship obtained to enter and participate in U.S market)

2Its imperative is to boost ratings, in order to make money

3 News Coorp establishes Fox News with a hidden agenda to target the typical "middle class, white male, right wing, conservative, republican voter"

4 by doing this, it secures a large segment of the voting population and then feeds it with the most of the messages it likes to hear, reguardless of how unbalanced and unfair it may be.

5 It secures credibility by still appearing to present opposing voices - but does so in either a very dismissing manner or in a way that skims the surface and doesn't go into detail.

6 reporters follow orders to report in a certain manner and style in order to serve the imperatives of the organisation despite the fact they may disagree with the way a particular story might be fashioned, (self censorship) they do this simply to prevent them from loosing their job or getting in trouble for not 'towing the line' so to speak.

If you require a further example of this I am quite happy to do an analysis of the above article for you, this however takes time but will, no doubt, " prove my point"

as far as Fox goes, I think where you get former employes claiming such things against the company in a documentary, then the fact the risk very consequences and deformation cases etc. suggests the issue is very serious indeed.

Why? Because our media play a crucial part in our society and where it is being used blatantly as an instrument to serve capital gain rather than public, under false pretences of being 'fair and balanced', duping people into irrational ideas and satiating the mases, it is extremely distubing that people rely on these networks for a perspective on the world, for a perspective that is selective and constructed to catch and retain the consumers attention through simplification and targeting their political/personal/moral/religious/national sympathies.
I've seen the damage caused by CNN. I watched Dan Rather lie. I witenessed Walter Cronkite singlehandedly turn the Vietnam War into a tragedy. I saw Peter Jennings & Tom Brokaw disrespect our Commander in Chief. The BBC goes out of its way to make conservatives look bad.

Fox News reports, without spin. It's been so long since the story was presented without spin it is confusing to those who don't know better.
Fox News reports, without spin. It's been so long since the story was presented without spin it is confusing to those who don't know better.

:rofl4: Yeah, obviously.... you don't know any better. :shrug:

By the way, I'm not British, I'm a New Zealander. And I can take a look around and see that some things - like the many absurd injustices and contradictions that exist in a lot of americans lives - I will never understand, especially someone who supports guns and is against abortion on moral grounds, someone who thinks its okay to invade another country on false incentives and make their own soldiers fight and die in a war with phony objectives.

I am just really, really sad for you that you are brainwashed into thinking that everything your country, or people in your country who are "on your side" of the political system does is patriotic and morally right.