are we f**ked up in the head or is it just me?

Luis G

Staff member
We all have thoughts on our minds that we never tell, sometimes when there's nothing to do we set our mind loose and we imagine situations and such.

Thing is, when do this shit tells you there's something wrong?, or is it just that everybody has this thoughts yet no one dare to comment about them?

I have this recurrent thought of other people suffering (particulary people I care about). The most common situation is them losing someone and I watch them cry and somehow I try to comfort them.

The second most recurring situation is that when I imagine them dead.

Am I going crazy or something?
Thoughts or feelings happen. There is absolutely nothing you can do about them. You can't control them. You can't stop them. In fact, trying to stop a thought is impossible. DO NOT THINK ABOUT YELLOW. ;)

As long as you don't act out on the things that you know are wrong or allow them to become so overwhelming they consume you, you're not crazy. A little nuts perhaps.

You thought about yellow didn't you? ;)
Luis G said:
The second most recurring situation is that when I imagine them dead.

i do that too.
if i care about someone, chances are, i've thought of their death.
finding out about it, how i'd react, the funeral, life after them...
i don't think i've actually ever told anyone about that.
this is a first for me.

the first you get to be the hero by making them feel better. the second one you are the brave one that handles the situation.

not uncommon.
Don't think about orange.

I've found that a lot of the time, if I'm expecting someone to show up and that person is more than a little bit late, my mind instantly starts imagining the worst possible fiery car crashes the person might have been involved in, until he or she shows up.

You thought about orange, didn't you?
Spot said:

the first you get to be the hero by making them feel better. the second one you are the brave one that handles the situation.

not uncommon.

Yup. I used to have those. Then my Dad actually died. Never again.

I wouldn't worry. Sounds like you're no less sane than the rest of us. Hmm, maybe that IS grounds for worry.
Inkara1 said:
Don't think about orange.

I've found that a lot of the time, if I'm expecting someone to show up and that person is more than a little bit late, my mind instantly starts imagining the worst possible fiery car crashes the person might have been involved in, until he or she shows up.

You thought about orange, didn't you?
same here. dead on the highway, kidnapped, sold into slavery in the middle east. i think you're as normal as can be expected, luis.
Nothing unusual about it at all, Luis. I think everyone has thoughts like that. Note that this does not necessarily imply that you are in any way sane (j/k). :D It just doesn't imply that you are losing your sanity. Oh, don't think about penguins in refrigerators either.
ash, this is also the first time I talk about this.

Gonz, Ink: I didn't think of the colour :confuse3: haha

HL, as a child I always feared and imagined about my parents dying, unfortunately, my dad died and I still wonder from time to time about my mom's death :(

There I was for a moment thinking I was the only one having this crazy thoughts, fortunately it is one of those things no one talks about.
Luis G said:
There I was for a moment thinking I was the only one having this crazy thoughts, fortunately it is one of those things no one talks about.

Your thoughts, and dreams, are perfectly normal. I have them all the time as well...pero, Yo soy loco en los huevos...:lol:
I'm just as normal as the rest of you lot. :lloyd:

It never really worried me much. But then, I always considered myself to be a bit nuts.