

Screwing with the code...
Staff member
The time has come. I have apparently got some type of a bug on my system and no matter what i do i cant get it out. I can only boot in safe mode w/networking.
The only thing i have found is a file called xmasbus.sys that the system hangs on.
So I am gonna gut this sucka. Its been a year and a half for this comp.

Hope to be back on in a bit.
Ahhhh there's nothing like a fresh clean shiny from scratch install of a new OS
except mebbe properly executed SEX!

I like my OS installs like I like SEX
often and frequent!
ok IT's up but i need more drivers to get it to connect to the internet. I'm on my laptop right now. I forgot how slow this old thing is...
Plus its gotta update itself like crazy since i havent been online with it much.