Arizona dares L.A. to Carry Out Boycott


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Check and Mate!

The spat over Arizona's new immigration expanded Tuesday as a state official dared the city of Los Angeles to follow through on its new boycott by agreeing to give up the 25 percent of electricity that city gets from Arizona sources.

In a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce said a boycott war is bad for both sides, and said he would "be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements"to end the electricity flowing to Los Angeles.

"I am confident that Arizona's utilities would be happy to take those electrons off your hands," Mr. Pierce said. "If, however, you find that the City Council lacks the strength of its convictions to turn off the lights in Los Angeles and boycott Arizona power, please reconsider the wisdom of attempting to harm Arizona's economy."

Los Angeles's city council voted overwhelmingly last week to adopt a boycott of Arizona businesses — at least in instances where the boycott wouldn't impose a significant economic cost to the city.

Arizona tells the nation to eat beans

"I am confident that Arizona's utilities would be happy to take those electrons off your hands,"

Heck yeah let's reroute them electrons to Phoenix
we can crank up the AC this summer
This rates an A+ on the response meter. Could they pull it off? (federal utility regulations)
The night the lights went out in Los Angeles

fergit a day without a mess-kin try a summer without electricity

nah they are just being silly Cali owns a big chunk of Palo Verde

Most eggcellent.