Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a bad deal to me.:thumbdn:

The Bush administration will be asking Congress to approve a $20 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia and neighboring Gulf states despite the concerns of some U.S. officials that the Saudis have been hampering U.S. efforts in Iraq, the New York Times reported Saturday.

The size of the proposed package, which would include advanced weaponry, has made Israel and its supporters in Congress “nervous,” the Times reported. The administration is expecting Israeli supporters and Saudi critics in Congress to oppose the deal when it is formally presented to Congress this fall.

To resolve these concerns, the administration has promised Israel $30.4 billion in military aid over the next decade, and is asking the Saudis to accept restrictions on the “range, size and location of the satellite-guided bombs” and to agree not to store the weapons near Israeli territory, a U.S. official told the Times.,2933,291258,00.html
The advantage of us supplying them as opposed to China or Russia is we know what they have & we have the ability to weaken these systems.
Arm a country with advanced weaponry that is actually known to support terrorism and waste more money buying off Israel to keep their mouths shut about it.

Makes perfect sense :laugh:

Now, Bush administration officials are voicing increasing anger at what they say has been Saudi Arabia’s counterproductive role in the Iraq war. They say that beyond regarding Mr. Maliki as an Iranian agent, the Saudis have offered financial support to Sunni groups in Iraq. Of an estimated 60 to 80 foreign fighters who enter Iraq each month, American military and intelligence officials say that nearly half are coming from Saudi Arabia and that the Saudis have not done enough to stem the flow.

One senior administration official says he has seen evidence that Saudi Arabia is providing financial support to opponents of Mr. Maliki. He declined to say whether that support was going to Sunni insurgents because, he said, “That would get into disagreements over who is an insurgent and who is not.”
If you don't understand this
no one could or should try to explain it to you.

Then again you shouldn't be allowed out in public without supervision but this is America.
Arming supporters of terrorism where most of the people in the 9/11 hijackings came from? What not to understand? Ask your mom.
Funny I thought of what it would be like to hang out with you in your native environment. (i.e. where ever it is that you live) and attempt to discuss this issue with you over whatever constitutes your favorite beverage, ya see here the common colloquialism would be over a few beers but I don't drink and don't know if you do either. I really do know how liberals minds work, how because of their internal programming they aren't equipped to deal with many facets of the world they find themselves in...

Can you specifically state your inability to comprehend this issue?
great. $50bil in arms to governments that everyone else in the middle east despises. another PR victory!