

Well-Known Member
Ever try them? It almost seems like they're exclusive to California, at least as far as the US goes. It's really a nifty veggie.


You actually eat the flower bud. Here's how you eat it after you cook it: each of the little leaves, you place in your mouth most of the way, and then you pull it back out between your teeth. That will scrape the "meat" off, and then you taste and swallow it. then, you chew up and eat the "heart."

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I adore artichokes. I'll steam the larger ones and dip the leaves in aioli (garlic mayonnaise). For a very short time they have baby artichokes available in certain Italian groceries here. About the size of a golf ball, they haven't developed their choke yet so you can eat the whole thing. One of my favorite restaurants makes an artichoke soup, - it's a daily special there every so often. :licklips:
I love them too. I usually get the marinated artichoke hearts. Hubby don't like them so it's rare that I get them.
*waves* Hi.. newbie here.. :)

For those that don't know much about artichokes, except those conniseurs out there, :) you have to make sure to take out the center spiky thing called, appropriately, the choke. Really easy to take out with a teaspoon once they've been cooked, or just pick around it if eating them cold.

It will stick to the back of your throat and.. well.. cause you to choke. :)

I made the error of not taking out the choke the last time I made them.
Inkara1 said:
Ever try them? It almost seems like they're exclusive to California, at least as far as the US goes. It's really a nifty veggie.

I didn't realize they were exclusive to CA, we've had them on our little rock for as long as I remember :lloyd: