As if there were ever any doubt ...


Well-Known Member
That Ontario is the northern California ...

McGuinty, Schwarzenegger sign stem cell, clean air deals

TORONTO (CP) - Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will sign deals this week to boost stem cell research and to find a low carbon fuel alternative.

Government sources say the stem cell agreement will be signed at the MaRS Discovery District research centre in Toronto.

The sources say McGuinty will announce that $30 million from the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research will be earmarked for the Cancer Stem Cell Consortium of researchers in Ontario and California.

Schwarzenegger is a leading advocate of stem cell research because he believes it will lead to medical breakthroughs to treat and find "a cure for deadly and debilitating diseases."

Most of the governor's Republican colleagues, including President George Bush, oppose stem cell research because embryos are destroyed in the process.

Schwarzenegger and McGuinty will also sign a clean-air agreement at the Ontario legislature Wednesday to cut the amount of carbon generated by fossil fuels to help lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Makes me feel dirty just living beside them. *shudder*

So California & Canada will become colder & re-enter the (finally) ending little ice age because of some bs PR. Whooda thunk it?
Hmm... perhaps it can be used for a new mixed drink. Theres no limit as to what the club-hopping set will buy.

Lets see... tequila, creme de menthe, 2 cherries, an egg, and a drop of frangelico, and some ground up stem cell tissue. We can either call it the fountain of youth or the partial birth abortion.