As Mark Sees It


I got a flash of inspiration today in writing my myspace blog, and I thought I'd "share with the class" as it were.

Before I do, please realize it's just my opinion, and I am not writing this to debate with anyone, just to help you understand me, and what makes me tick. I know I am opening myself up wide open by doing this, but honestly I don't care!

Mark's MySpace Blog said:
Essentially, all a 12 step program is, is a social club for people with problems that they can't deal with alone. In my case it was drug addiction. I have heard so many opinions on the thing I could write a book about the subject, but I really don't see the point.

The "addict" or "alcoholic", is in essence, and obsessive personality. I have come to believe we are people who just need to have an addiction, and just can't live without something to obsess about.. It's not really about quitting drugs for me, it's more about replacing them with a healthy "addiction". The 12 Steps that Bill Wilson and his cohorts, and perhaps "God" itself authored so many years ago, is a brilliantly therapeutic formula for self help.

I have found that in my personal quest to find "G.O.D.", that there are many paths to what I believe I have finally caught a glimpse of. I believe it can be found in any of the world's religions, or just as easily missed entirely. I have also seen atheists find it, whatever it is. I personally am an agnostic. I don't really know anything at all. What I do know in my personal version of reality, is that through working the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, and/or Narcotics Anonymous, is that I have found a comfortable way to live, no matter what life brings my way.

Once an addict, always an addict is entirely accurate in my honest opinion. I have done much research that backs this theory. I can never recover in this lifetime from the obsessive mind that I was blessed with at birth. It is an exceptionally talented, and efficient biological piece of machinery, and used properly is capable of great things. The double edge of that sword is that it is equally capable of complete self destruction if diverted by drugs and alcohol. I am now addicted to AA and NA. I will not lie, I have made them a habit. I love going to meetings. It's an integral part of my life, but I wouldn't have it any other way. If you have to be addicted to something, it might as well be self improvement, and helping others find the same "trudging of he road of happy destiny", that those before you gave to you. For that my gratitude is boundless, and hopefully enduring for all the rest of my days.

In the final analysis though, coming from someone who has, and will continue working all 12 Steps, the things I have gotten from it are as follows:

• I no longer walk this earth feeling like a "less than", and while it's not perfect or consistantly always true, at least 90% of the time I see myself for what I truly am. A very intelligent, insigtful, deep, loving, creative, and multi talented person. I am no better or worse than anyone else, just different. I can't tell you how huge this gift is.
• The ability to walk through calamity, with calmness and purpose, and do the right thing in the face of inevitable pain thet everyone in this world has to face from time to time, without a crutch (drugs).
• A release from the boredom and worry that used to be a constant source of exasperation in my life. I realize now that things will be OK no matter what, or I'll die, and that too is ok when and if it happens.
• A release from the attachment to what is not real (i.e., money, material possessions). I want what I have more than I have what I want and that my friends is the secret of happiness IMHO.

I still strive for goals, but now I set realistic goals and look at what the mini goals are that need to be set in order to achieve the major goals. A lot of this stuff that has happened I can only speculate is a "divine gift", because it sure isn't "my" basic nature, that has effected these changes, and I still constantly slip back into old ways. The difference being now that when I do I am aware of it and aware of what to do to correct it. I suspect there is some creative intelligence behind the reality of the world we see. Most would call it "God" but if you asked me I'd call it "the force", but when I call it G-O-D, that stands for Good Orderly Direction. A dark side and a light side, both at my disposal should I decide to accept it's existence and use it for what its their for (guidance IMO). So I do pray, I call it god (though I really think of it as everything and nothing all at once).

The way in which I pray is like they told me to do in the book, and I don't usually make requests, because as my experience tells me, this thing never just gives you anything. Instead it gives you insights on how to acheive your desired goal, so long as your desires are divorced of seriously selfish and self serving motives. Nobody is perfect to be sure, but all that is asked is that we try. This thing though is NOT a judgemental man in the sky. It is within each and every thing living or no in this universe in my honest opinion. Beyond that, well until I pass from this level of existence, well I frankly don't really care. When I need to actually talk to it and ask questions, I grab my sponsor (one has 32 years, one 11, and one 5, because I have three), or another friend in the program I trust and ask their opinion about whatever dilemma I am facing. Generally I know what the answer will be when I ask the question, but ultimately I know that they can't make decisions for me, nor would they want to. The can though, act as mirrors, and when I am in error they can point it out, and why I am in error when I am unable to see through my will and the selfish motives driving it.

I have never in my life had more friends. All of them who truly care about my well being and that is a priceless gift. So go ahead and tell other people how 12 step programs that you have probably never even given an honest try, are total bogus crap, but I have ceased to care what you say, and I will not argue with you (unless I am in a bad way on that particular day and lapse into "stinkin' thinkin'". For you, for all I know, it may be true, but for me it's a heinous lie and I truly pity you for that belief.

May ALL of you, be blessed with a Happy New Year, and all the things I wish for myself in 2008.