As real as it gets . . .


Well-Known Member
Being a father is something that requires skills and temperment, you make changes that aren't always what your best judgement dictates.

We had to put-down a kitten last night.

Last night I had noticed a kitten, 8-weeks, wasn't playing with the other kittens and was marked with a stiffened gait. I was watching closely. She was with the other kittens wandering but she wasn't traveling the entire distance of the kitten play.

When they all went for the waterbowl, this one just sniffed it. -- "WIFE!, get in here."

After stating my observations we decided to act. -- "KIDS!, front and center!" . . . Lined up like the VonTrapp children -- "We have a situation, going mobile, get dressed, assemble on me in 'five-minutes' for a briefing"

I explained to the girls that I belive that "M-head" is sick and that we need make an effort to save her, but we must act now.

So on the way to animal ER, informing my children of the reality of kittens, I told them it may be very serious. She could have natural internal issues and/or organ failures or a cat sickness and that "M-head" may be dying. Moments later, as my wife is holding it, the kitty ralphs-up blood in my wifes jaguar. We looked at each other silently, we both knew, big trouble! My wife checked to see if any got on the interior.

We got there and went straight into the exam room, they took the kitty in back to do a quick Dx exam. Speaking with the Vet privately, we both realized the most likely cause was a pathogen.

The Doc said it was most likely in the early symptomatic stages, <50/50 on survival. So he offers to make an estimate for Tx. My wife and I confer guessing at the cost and figureing out what is acceptable. When he returns he has a basic list of Dx-test, and daily cost of Tx 'til Monday, ~$1,700.

I sadly look at my wife for a moment and then ask "whats plan-B?" . . . the Vet nodded with an unstanding poise. Trying to lighten the moment, my wife comment that we could take it to San Francisco and get free animal healthcare.

We now assemble the children again and tell them. They begin to lose the composure they had been trying to so hard to maintain, the wailing begins.

They hand my wife the form to sign, she pauses "I can't sign it", and hands it to me. -- '$117 for euthanasia" - shocked I looked at my wife, she firmly states "NO!, JUST SIGN IT", she knew I was thinking a single round of qualty .762 cost maybe $0.50. Glaringly she qualified her statement with - ". . . the children". I signed the form.

I paid the $275 services bill. After making some paw-prints in clay and saying good-bye, we left the kitty. We went to sonic and got some huge slushies, drove out to the almond orchards at the end of the airport runway, layed in the grass watching the aircraft fly over and telling stories about "M-head" and the other kitty's. I kept thinking to myself, for $0.50 cents and 15-minutes drive, all I would've had to say is "I gave the kitty to a nice family".

(BTW, the 5 remaining kitty's all seem* to be healthy at the moment and got their shots this morning plus a Tx regimen "as if", I hope we stave off the threat for the rest.)
Oo... that bites. Hard decisions are the worst... but its part of being a man.

Did the kittens have their basic shots yet? I'm starting to think some kind of kitty variant parvo. I've seen parvo cut through an apartment complex over a two week period back when I was 18. I think 80 cats and dogs had to be put down. Its still hard to think about.
Aw, poor kitty, and poor kids. You did the right thing though, IMO. The kids would have appreciated the chance to say goodbye, etc.
yeah parvo is what I'm guessing, Mother kat has all her shots.

We are putting Collodial Silver, Kaflex class Antibiotic, vitamin 'C' and wheat grass in thier water supply. We're are treating them as if they're already symptomatic.

So far they're all doing fine, time will tell.
in my wifes jaguar

You evil monster.

Sell the British cat to some hep cat for some scratch, buy a Yugo & spend the remainder on saving this cat ensuring that the weakened subject will live to pass on it's defective genes in perpetuity.
Well, Ford with panache. ;)

Sorry to hear about the kitty. I'm with you re the "cost effective" way out except I wouldn't have lied to the kids. Not finding fault, mind, just a difference in style. Your wife's way was probably better all around. Hope the other kittens continue to be healthy.
I've yet to see a $275 cat.

Keeping the peace can be expensive. We had a kitten a few years back, given to us by a co-worker. Jasper was fine...for a while. Then he got suddenly very ill. He died within 24 hours of the first mild sign of symptoms, before we even had a chance to try a vet (it was during the work week, plus we didn't think he was that sick). We couldn't imagine what might have been wrong. Then a neighbor informed us that one of our close-by neighbors sort of liked feeding cats antifreeze from time to time. (Jasper was indoor/outdoor kitty) We discussed the symptoms, looked online...sounded like antifreeze ingestion. Senseless really. What fuggin harm does a cat do?
I've yet to see a $275 cat.

Keeping the peace can be expensive. We had a kitten a few years back, given to us by a co-worker. Jasper was fine...for a while. Then he got suddenly very ill. He died within 24 hours of the first mild sign of symptoms, before we even had a chance to try a vet (it was during the work week, plus we didn't think he was that sick). We couldn't imagine what might have been wrong. Then a neighbor informed us that one of our close-by neighbors sort of liked feeding cats antifreeze from time to time. (Jasper was indoor/outdoor kitty) We discussed the symptoms, looked online...sounded like antifreeze ingestion. Senseless really. What fuggin harm does a cat do?

Sounds real neighborly. :rolleyes: Too bad you couldn't do the same for him...
Whenever my dad and I do any work on a car, we have to be careful with the antifreeze because we don't want the cats to drink it. It tastes sweet to them.
Whenever my dad and I do any work on a car, we have to be careful with the antifreeze because we don't want the cats to drink it. It tastes sweet to them.

This doesn't look like an accidental poisoning, though. :grumpy:
Whenever my dad and I do any work on a car, we have to be careful with the antifreeze because we don't want the cats to drink it. It tastes sweet to them.

From what I hear it tastes sweet to us too...we just have sense enough not to drink it.