As the History Channel


molṑn labé
Staff member
plays a story on the excessive mourning of the death of Diana, I began to wonder....

how does one go about getting the job of Monarch in Britain? To be the ruler of a country with nothing to do must be sweet.
Harry's getting to be kinda cute...but maybe that's just the whole money thing.
I wouldn't want to be a monarch. Theres too much posing for cameras and people rooting through your trash for gossip. Granted, you would get choice seats for games and concerts as well as the odd extra pat of butter with your bread; to me its just not worth the hassle. Now being a dictator... thats where the fun is.
I dunno...wouldn't it be kinda fun covering everything in your trash with rotten spinach and then setting up binoculars to watch the fun? :D
Or slip in a little wadded up postit note that says 'Pakistan invasion imminent' ... and then watch the reporters stumble over themselves to report it.
Not having to scrub tile anymore would be a real plus... but it would be hard to go to the bathroom knowing that 3-5 servants are waiting in the next room over ready to wipe the royal ass. I just couldnt get comfortable.
Ya know, no matter how rich or how famous, I think I will always wipe my own ass, Thank you.
Gonz said:
how does one go about getting the job of Monarch in Britain? To be the ruler of a country with nothing to do must be sweet. start with yer gotta be German.

Apart from that........I'm not affinity to Corgi Dogs and the ability to stay conscious during long after dinner speeches may go in yer favour tho'......
AlphaTroll said:
Gonz, just fill in your application form & mail it off, yu can expect an answer in about a week or so :shrug:

Cool. Got an address?

Imagine what a breeze life would be...spend all day playing Lords of Legend & KoC with a name like KING GONZO & actually meaning it. One computer for each website & a T3 connection, paid for by the commoners on their modems. *WOOHOO*

Wish me luck on the job interview.