As the pendulum swings


Southern Discomfort
So y'all can't say I made this up and such

BERLIN (Reuters) - The owner of a small German computer company has fired three non-smoking workers because they were threatening to disturb the peace after they requested a smoke-free environment.

The manager of the 10-person IT company in Buesum, named Thomas J., told the Hamburger Morgenpost newspaper he had fired the trio because their non-smoking was causing disruptions.

Germany introduced non-smoking rules in pubs and restaurants on January 1, but Germans working in small offices are still allowed to smoke.

"I can't be bothered with trouble-makers," Thomas was quoted saying. "We're on the phone all the time and it's just easier to work while smoking. Everyone picks on smokers these days. It's time for revenge. I'm only going to hire smokers from now on."


Sauce for the goose...
Fired employees: We want to continue working here, and we want you to pay us out of your profits, but we want everything our way.

Boss: Go fuck yourselves.

What's not to love?
Something tells me the EU Discrimination Police will fine the business owner a fuckload of Euros, and force him to reinstate the employees, with back pay, with interest.
Meanwhile, in California, as of Jan. 1 it's illegal to smoke in a car if anyone under the age of 18 is inside it.

No word on what happens when the under-18 person is the smoker.
A rule that all workers must smoke...I like it.

Inky, I saw that. How do they plan on enforcing it & what's the fine? Since the gov't is mandating actions on personal proerty, does that mean registration taxes & fee's are gonna be lowered?
BERLIN (Reuters) - A Hamburg newspaper that reported last week on a computer company manager who said he fired three non-smokers because they had threatened disruptions after asking for a smoke-free environment said on Monday the story was a hoax.

Stephanie Lamprecht, a journalist at the Hamburger Morgenpost, said Thomas Joschko first told her he had fired the three from his 10-person staff because they were causing a disruption with their non-smoking but later admitted it was a hoax.

Lamprecht, whose story was published widely in the German and international media last week, said: "He said it was a joke and worth the trouble. He said he's a chain-smoker himself and said he was tired of smokers being hassled so much."

Joschko could not be reached for comment.

Lamprecht said she drove 120 km (75 miles) from Hamburg to Buesum on Monday to try to confirm the story after doubts about its accuracy surfaced. She said the Morgenpost planned to publish an updated version of the story in its Wednesday edition.

"He said he was on a pro-smoker mission," said Lamprecht. She said she had checked some of the facts of his story last week after he called in his claim and that he was registered as the owner a small company in Buesum.


Unless the story is real but the EU PC police, in order to stop any more individuals from following suit, planted the hoax angle.