Ashcroft wants Patriot Act widened



WASHINGTON, June 5 — Attorney General John Ashcroft urged Congress on Thursday to expand the USA Patriot Act to permit the government to hold more suspects indefinitely and to extend the death penalty to more people accused of terrorist crimes. He also said the law, which critics say is eroding citizens’ legitimate rights, needs to be expanded to allow charges against anyone who helps or works with suspected terrorist groups as “material supporters.”

I am almost constantly shocked by the things this administration tries to get away with and the people that let them.
They're sure shredding the constitution with this terrorism excuse...Wonder if we'll ever reclaim what we've lost...
'i hate the freedom' - joining the patriot act and the anti-french thing together ;)
Doesn't our Terrorism Act work in pretty much the same way?

e.g. If you are accused of terrorist acts you have no rights...
Aunty Em said:
Doesn't our Terrorism Act work in pretty much the same way?

e.g. If you are accused of terrorist acts you have no rights...

a fair chunk of that got repealing in the courts last year, not sure which part but the gov had to do it all over again.
ris said:
Aunty Em said:
Doesn't our Terrorism Act work in pretty much the same way?

e.g. If you are accused of terrorist acts you have no rights...

a fair chunk of that got repealing in the courts last year, not sure which part but the gov had to do it all over again.

Typical... waste the taxpayers money! :rolleyes:
problem with many things, like the nhs for example, is that people expect instant results. things take time to implement, use and feedback on. changing the system every year does nothing exept take everyone back to square one all the time.
The only way they are going to improve the NHS is by scrapping it and starting afresh if you ask me... I seem to recall having read something about the fact that 1/3rd of admin staff may loose their jobs in a shakeup... not before time I say, there are way too many people pushing paper in the NHS... we need more actually caring for patients on a decent living wage. Time and a quarter for unsocial hours (nights, weekends, bank holidays, etc) is a bloody joke! Try getting a plumber to work for less than double time on a Sunday!