ash's trip to the piercing place.


New Member
no, not to get a piercing. rather, to find a ring for the hole in my cartilidge.
that one's self-done. properly sterilised, etc etc etc, (in other words, don't tell me that it's dangerous if you don't sterilise, cos i know that :) ).
however, i didnt have any proper jewellerey to put in it. just a piercing stud i'd had from when i got my regular holes when i was 10.
i explained the situation to the properly pierced piercing-lady, and was promptly told that it is wrong to use a piercing stud.
"it doesnt drain right, so it doesnt heal right. it could also get infected really easily," she informed me.
(i don't know if her opinion of my intelligence was changed at all when i told her i'd had it since september, with no complications.)
she reccomended i buy the 18-gauge cbr she was showing me... but it cost $10, and i only had $8.96.
so, i said i'd be back soon. hopefully monday. i'd walked down to the store from my mom's work, up a big hill.
when i finally got home, i took a peak at my studded cartilidge in the mirror. i sort of moved it around til i could see sort-of under it.
eew. i could tell there was gross mess-ness under it.
so out it came!! and there was this huge gooey mess-scab-icky-gross thing under it. i cleaned the hole immediately, and rummaged for a ring to put in it. i'd had one in there for a few weeks previously, so i knew it'd prolly work.
i cleaned it and put it in.
so now, hopefully things will be ok. i'll just get my $10 (i assume plus tax), and go back on monday, and get my ring, and live happily, ever after. :headbang:
Ash, with your permission, I'd like to print this out and save it for when my daughter gets old enough to start bugging me about allowing her to pierce the odder parts of her anatomy. It should reduce the need for a lot of authoritarian posturing on my part. :eh:
My sister is 11 and has a piercing in each ear. I think she got them at age 8. I don't think she wears earrings though. (I never pay attention to her anyways)
Ears will be okay when she's old enough to take proper care of them. Nose, eyebrows, bellybutton, tongue, lip, nipples, clitoris, etc, are out... over her dead body, and all that. When she's out on her own she can do what she damn well pleases. Until then, she can live without any extra holes in her body.
Ardsgaine said:
Her boyfriend will be disappointed :p

Regardless, thats the same policy my parents have... I suppose if I want I could get an earring, but I'm pretty sure they will not be pleased if I get more while living at home.
i love every minute of my cartilidge piercing. in a way, i even love it when i squeeze someone too tight while hugging them, and the then-stud would get smashed into the side of my head, sometimes causing expletives to be uttered and faces of utter pain to be made :)

but yes, much permission is given for my posts to be printed out and used in any manner seen fit :)
i got my ring at hot topic instead. it was the same exact thing i was being shown at the piercing place, and it cost the same, too, so i saw no reason not to.
it was really difficult to put in, cos i have zero experience with these things. but i finally got it :)
as in, you want a pic of my cartilidge piercing? :confbang:

oh, i was brusing my hair earlier, and i guess i was brushing too roughly, because it caught on the ring and made the ball-thingy fly out, i had to get down on the floor to find it. thank god, the floor was clean.:headbang:
a pic of the ring you got, if you like you can show the cartilage as well. :D
a cbr:

that''s what kind of ring it is. "cbr" stands for Captive Bead Ring.
the bead -- what i call "the ball-thingy" -- is held in only by the tension of the ring. that's why it's kinda difficult to get the ball-thingy in, because there are indentations in it, that need to be lined up with the ends of the ring, but the tension makes you have to force it a bit.
without the ball-thingy, the ring is like an almost-closed letter C, or a circle with a little chunk taken out of it.
my own cbr is about a centimeter in diameter, and 18 gauge -- pretty skinny. not nearly as thick as the one in the picture.
omg, that's so weird. if you click the Post Reply button, and scroll down to see the history of other posts in the thread.... you can see the picture. :confbang:
it looks nice ;)

btw, the pic not showing might be something to do with the non-image linking policies of some sites, however.....i can see it just fine :confuse3:
Any of my boys get any kind of piercing they can remove it or I can. I would prefer they do it because my method is rather mean....
i keep on meaning to get my eyebrow done... must remember to do that next year sometime...