Theoretically, of course, freedom loving citizens & their reined in governements must allow discourse, at all costs. Some are more free than others, but in retrospect, freedom must be obtained by blood & sacrifice.
Must the payment be forever? At what point may we stop the enemy at the gates? Is it okay to stop the attack from within? How about when the enemy brags about using the fredoms so hard attained to stop the freedoms?
Attacks from the outside
CyberCast News
or from within
They may be seperate issues but I believe that they may be one & the same (Ask France about lax immigration)
Must the payment be forever? At what point may we stop the enemy at the gates? Is it okay to stop the attack from within? How about when the enemy brags about using the fredoms so hard attained to stop the freedoms?
Attacks from the outside
But other radical leaders remained free, among them Omar Bakri Mohammed, a Syrian-born cleric who has promoted and praised violence against Israel, America and Britain for years.
In 2000, Bakri told Cybercast News Service in an interview: "We will use your democracy to destroy your democracy."
CyberCast News
or from within
A new analysis of birth records finds the percentage of births in the U.S. to immigrants is at an all-time high, with 23 percent of births in 2002 by foreign-born mothers.
The analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies, or CIS, finds that level is higher than in 1910, during the peak of the last great wave of immigration.
"Nearly 10 percent of all births in the country were to illegal-alien mothers," states a summary of the report. "This is important for at least two reasons: First, it is currently U.S. government policy to award American citizenship to all persons born on U.S. soil, even the children of tourists and illegal aliens. In addition, the number and share of children born to immigrants is now so large that it may overwhelm the assimilation process."
The 23 percent figure for births by foreign-born women compares to just 15 percent in 1990, 9 percent in 1980 and 6 percent in 1970, the study reports.
They may be seperate issues but I believe that they may be one & the same (Ask France about lax immigration)