Atlanta "cracking" down on sagging


Southern Discomfort
ATLANTA - Baggy pants that show boxer shorts or thongs would be illegal under a proposed amendment to Atlanta's indecency laws.

The amendment, sponsored by city councilman C.T. Martin, states that sagging pants are an "epidemic" that is becoming a "major concern" around the country.

"Little children see it and want to adopt it, thinking it's the in thing," Martin said Wednesday. "I don't want young people thinking that half-dressing is the way to go. I want them to think about their future."


About time too. I'm tired of having some thug's unwashed asscrack on display everywhere I go. If they can't pull 'em up, staple 'em to their hips.
I done told each and every one of the walking tax deduction's potential suitors: If you can't keep your britches up, I will nail gun them to your hips. Ain't had problem one yet.
The USAF has seemingly taught Arren (early on too) that neither this nor the earring were "cool."
More white kids do it here than black, but then we don't have so many black kids so maybe that's it.
And what pray tell do they propose to do when the brats don't pay their fines and in the case of ones too young what will the parents have to say about it?

What I'd really like to know is what the hell keeps one's pants up to just below ass level but no further down? Do they wear hidden suspenders?
They sell special clothes made to "sag" with?......And of course all the nonconformists out there flock to the retailers and pay top dollar to be different yet all the same....And I was a punk rocker when I was a kid.....(What the hell was I thinking)
It also seems to me, that a lot of these hoodlems (because most saggers around here are meth users) would have a hard time running from cops with a pants waistband that low on their legs.
It tickles me to watch them try to walk without having to hold up their britches. Most usually give up and grab a handful --- doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? ROTFL

When I taught school, we'd keep a packet of zip ties handy --- any student with the sagging pants got a zip tie in the belt loops. We'd pass the name around, if he was caught later on without the zip tie --- he disappeared into the office to have a "conference."
you talk like thought ever came into the equation.

BTW, don't you remember the pre-ripped and pre-patched and pre-faded jeans of our past?

I knew a guy who spent an hour beating on a brand new leather jacket to give it that old look .... only to find out that the store where he bought it also sells the same jacket .... pre-beaten. Same price. When I asked him why he didn't just go to the Salvation Army store and buy an old one .... he gave me this look. I've seen that look before. My dog gives it to me when i try to discuss molecular chemistry with it.
It tickles me to watch them try to walk without having to hold up their britches. Most usually give up and grab a handful --- doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? ROTFL

When I taught school, we'd keep a packet of zip ties handy --- any student with the sagging pants got a zip tie in the belt loops. We'd pass the name around, if he was caught later on without the zip tie --- he disappeared into the office to have a "conference."

That would be particularly effective put through the front two loops, wouldn't it?
I've seen some tommy hilfiger jeans that seem to be at half the ass, except they are where they should be :shrug:
Just as long as they don't make the wimmins start wearing more that a bra.