Attention liberals


molṑn labé
Staff member
Since I'm new to this whole thing...

WASHINGTON — The U.S. military's top uniformed officer expressed concern Sunday about eroding public support for the war in Afghanistan and said the country remains vulnerable to being taken over again by extremist forces.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said President Barack Obama's new strategy for defeating the Taliban and al-Qaida was a work in progress as more U.S. troops are put in place.

Is this when we begin belittling the CiC for gross incompetance or is this the Obama wee-wee'd. soldiers died stage?

I thought they said the war on terror was over

I thouught we still had people missing from the hood


I'd like to take this opportunity to express my continuing gratitude as well.

Thank you all soldiers, and service members.

obama has prioritized more resources for afghanistan. he maintained that as a priority through his campaign, and we have more troops there now and are trying harder to achieve a better outcome. it's not his fault that more resources were not effectively prioritized before he came into office. i guess back then we were too busy dumping money into a place that had no al quada until we showed up.