Attention, please...While you argue politics...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
The oil for food scandal marches on...and the UN is trying desperately to cover it's ass. Just another example of how money can corrupt, and power can destroy. I'm not a communist/socialist, but I do believe this...Money and power make people more likely to become arrogant and egotistical. It's okay for them to take bribes/kickbacks, but not okay for anyone else. How'd those goons get into power in the first place?
Another in a long list of buried-head-in-sand incidents. The more substance given the more style seen.
For some reason I see this that, if Kerry gets elected this will fade. :confused:
If GW get re-elected, and I think he will, maybe this will stay in the light,
and some heads will roll.
Excuse me, but the oil for food scandal is politics. In all it's wondrous glory. Theivery, lies and charlatanry...
chcr said:
Excuse me, but the oil for food scandal is politics. In all it's wondrous glory. Theivery, lies and charlatanry...

Yet but the operative word would be "ethical, or Unethical" politics. ;)
Yeah I do believe there are ethical politics. It seems to the grey area people,
though that there is a finer line there. :confused:
chcr said:
Excuse me, but the oil for food scandal is politics. In all it's wondrous glory. Theivery, lies and charlatanry...

Nope. The oil-for-food scandal is crime. ;)
chcr said:
Excuse me, but the oil for food scandal is politics. In all it's wondrous glory. Theivery, lies and charlatanry...

WATCH YOURSELF chcr!!! The UN is above politics & damnit they'll tell you so.
is any one group or country at all above politics? And I dont give a damn if they say they are or not. To me it is all politics of some kind.