ATV riding pics


New Member
Went up to Pismo Beach last week to ride ATV's. The dunes are enormous there and the sand is great to ride ATVs on. Here's a couple pictures. I got a bunch more but these are cool.
Let's see... kick-ass beaches, or a fuckload of snow and nasty, city-crippling ice storms? Hmm...
Let's see... kick-ass beaches, or a fuckload of snow and nasty, city-crippling ice storms? Hmm...

Let's many people that houses cost a mint and some piddly beaches or cheaper houses and beautiful rolling fields and gigantic forests within a 1 hour drive....not to mention decent beaches that serve the purpose of a dip in the water and a suntan...hmmmm
OK, so the only forests within an one-hour drive are fairly small... the really big forests, like, say, the redwoods and giant sequoias, are two or three hours away.
I got the impression that Pismo is about the only place on the coast with dunes like that were you're allowed to take off-road vehicles on the beach.

The place is really off the wall. You can drive your car or truck right out onto the beach, splash it through the water, or take up through the dunes (although i wouldn't recommend that last one without the right vehicle).

There's all these people out on the beach camping and dirt bikes, dune buggies, and some really bizarre homemade creations flying all over the place.
Yeah, Pismo's famous for that. I've never been fortunate enough to drive to the on-beack campground, myself.
Yeah, Pismo's famous for that. I've never been fortunate enough to drive to the on-beack campground, myself.

If I lived as close as you I would have to find a way to get there constantly.

Here's a couple more pictures. We rode for 4 hours and didn't get everywhere, it is just sooo huge.

I had a Honda 250 EX, next time I'm getting the 400 EX. Next time will be soon too.
Lame, but sort of amusing:

My neighbor, who is actually pretty good at popping wheelies (but only after a few snorts of whisky). :D
man, you guys have too many wheels
