Aunty Santa's off to do her bit...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
It's just after midnight here and I'm off to put the presents under the christmas tree and perpetuate the myth for madam - she's absolutely convinced Santa exists.

So a Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. :D
Merry Christmas Aunty!!

I tried to explain to mine last year about how Santa is actually pretend, but she wouldn't have it. I guess she's just going to have to figure it out for herself.
How old do you think is normal for kids to stop believing in Santa? My sister's kids are 10, 9, 6 and 2. It's tough when some kids believe and others don't in the same family. I don't know if the older ones still do or not. :shrug:

Hope everyone made it through and right now is breathing a sigh of relief!! :D
Greenie said:
Hope everyone made it through and right now is breathing a sigh of relief!!

We did and we are. :D

It went really well. We were very concerned because Santa was unable to locate a Rapunzel Barbie with Prince and Castle, an item that showed up late on the Christmas list. Apparently Rapunzel was the must-have toy this year. Fortunately, she of the long tresses turned out to be not as critical to Anna's happiness as we had feared. Cinderella and Prince Charming sat in for the part, and she was just as thrilled as if that's what she had asked for. May she always have such a healthy attitude. :)

Of course, this being Levi's first Christmas where he could fully participate, he's just having a great time. The LotR sword that makes clanging noises was a big hit, as was the little stuffed beagle that he's already named "Rara" after our dog, Sara. (Sara likes it too, I've already had to take it away from her twice.) He likes the tricycle too, but we need a leg stretcher to get his legs to reach the pedals. It's always the simplest toys that seem to bring the most pleasure, though. Right now he's happily playing with the packages of cheap pencils that we put in their stockings. :eh:

As for Jan and I, we always do very well by each other and this year was no exception. The belly-dancer bikini top that I bought for her fit very nicely-- I'll post the pics another day. (Take a deep breath and hold it....) I got my CC2 mapping software and WarCraft III, among other things.

We're pausing for a breath before we head out to my mom's house for the family gathering. All in all, it has been a very happy and very "commercial" Christmas. I hope you all are having a great time too. :)

Merry Christmas!
Ardsgaine said:
Right now he's happily playing with the packages of cheap pencils that we put in their stockings. :eh:

Funny, that's what Katie's been doing half the day. :)

Kelly's Princess Castle and Shelley and Tommy went down a storm and Scooby Doo and Monsters Inc are a great hit too. Plus I'll be videoing Chicken Run from the TV tonight on BBC 1, so no commercials to spoil it. :)

Unfortunately I can't get her new programmes to run on her computer though. Technically they should, actually they don't - looks like I have some trouble-shooting to do - tomorrow. :(