Australia apologizes to Aboriginies


Well-Known Member
Aborigines organized breakfast barbecues in the Outback, schools held assemblies and giant TV screens went up in state capitals Wednesday as Australians watched a live broadcast of their government apologizing for policies that degraded its indigenous people.

In a historic parliamentary vote that supporters said would open a new chapter in race relations, lawmakers unanimously adopted Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's motion on behalf of all Australians.

"We apologize for the laws and policies of successive parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians," Rudd said in Parliament, reading from the motion.

Full article here
In this age of political correctness, apologies have become the buzzword. Charlie Manson would be out today if he'd only apologize. It's important to say Hey, I'm sorry you misunderstood what I said...

The simple fact is, if you did not create the problem, you can not apologize for it. A shitload of Indians were killed by Columbus' crew. That sucks but I'm not sorry. I didn't do it. etc, etc.

Also, if someone has to ask for (or demand) an apology, it's not one.
So then, we can count on your check in the America should apologize for slavery fundraiser?
No, Gonz says, the ones taking them are the only ones capable of apologizing....if an apology is necessary.

An awful lot of kids get wrongly taken from their parents...and not nearly enough get taken. The circumstances could be warranted.
In this instance, there was an en-masse 'taking' of all aborigine children and flogging them off to white house-holds to ensure the 'proper' upbringing. Racism, pure and simple. Your aphorisms don't apply here.