Australia confirms worst on Iraq


Well-Known Member
Prime minister says U.S. given intelligence on al-Qaida link
Posted: February 5, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2003

WASHINGTON – The day before U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell is to lay out the case against Iraq at the United Nations, Australian Prime Minister John Howard told the world his country's intelligence agencies can confirm Baghdad's links to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network and its plans to develop nuclear weapons.

In a speech to Parliament, Howard said he was providing to Powell information he has showing Saddam Hussein is ready to use banned weapons in the Middle East. Australian government knows that Iraq still has chemical and biological weapons, and that Iraq wants to develop nuclear weapons," Howard said. "We share the view of many that, unless checked, Iraq could even without outside help develop nuclear weapons in about five years."

Howard said Australia would join the allied effort against Iraq if a peaceful solution could not be found. He said the burden of dealing with Hussein's regime should not be left to the U.S. and Britain alone.

Howard repeated his call for the U.N. Security Council to pass a tough new resolution authorizing the use of military force against Iraq if Hussein refuses to disarm.

"If the world turns its back on the threat posed by Iraq, if the community of nations gives up because it's all too hard, then Saddam Hussein will not reward us all with benign behavior," he said.

Instead, Howard said, Iraq will increase its stockpile of banned weapons and redouble efforts to develop nuclear weapons.

"And he will almost certainly, at some time in the future, use these weapons to fulfill his ambition to dominate the region," Howard said.

Howard added that tolerance of Iraq's development of weapons of mass destruction would inevitably lead to other rogue nations doing the same.

"There will be no stability – no security – for the nations of the Gulf until Iraq is disarmed of its weapons of mass destruction – totally and permanently," he said.
I'll wait this one out...I had hopes for the last one and that faultered. Its like they're keeping alive the rumor of a smoking gun. I want to see it.