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I was just looking at mousey and thinking how I'd like to dress him for occasions other than Christmas...moof did my santa hat and since he's not around anymore I was wondering if anyone else has the means/time to dress my mouse??

I was thinking a grad hat in preperation for when I graduate (after all he's been through all 4 years with me), maybe a scarf for winter that isn't Christmas...I dunno. I dressed prof's (even though he refuses to use them) but I can't do animated :(
I beg your pardon. I do use the specials created for me. I just (8 times) don't always have them availible to me.
Professur said:
I beg your pardon. I do use the specials created for me. I just (8 times) don't always have them availible to me.

You didn't seem to impressed when I posted the dressed mushrooms...I mean, it's cold, he sould be wearing a scarf right now :p
Professur said:
'Tain't that cold out. 0C here. Hardly worth putting a jacket on.

Excuses...international "talk like a pirate day" passed without his eye patch too :p
Good Lord, am I supposed to check the bloody calendar daily to see if I've got a more stylish 'shroom for the day? Do I need to add tits to avoid flak during Breast Cancer Awareness month? Maybe just one, with a big scar on the other side???????
Professur said:
Good Lord, am I supposed to check the bloody calendar daily to see if I've got a more stylish 'shroom for the day? Do I need to add tits to avoid flak during Breast Cancer Awareness month? Maybe just one, with a big scar on the other side???????

No the one with the bow will suffice for that. I'm just playin' though...:p
Professur said:
You do realize that making a Steak comment around a mushroom is in bad taste.

Yeah, he's gonna be dressing the mushroom in a frying pan with onions for steak and BJ day :D