Away for the weekend.


Too cute for words
So, let's get rid of that other thread, huh?

Dara has gone away for the weekend. A little spring do with some friends of hers (both male and female) that I don't have much in common with. I was invited, but it was out of politeness and I wouldn't enjoy myself among this group so I declined. Besides, I want to watch the tourney. :D Anyway, numerous people we know (both male and female) have expressed dismay that I would let her go off on her own like that (as if I could stop her). One guy I know went so far as to say that if his wife pulled something like that she'd come home to an empty house. I wonder what you guys think. I mean, she's a big girl and i believe she can make her own decisions. Why would anyone have a problem with it? I was frankly shocked at how many people had a problem with it.

Here's to Batchin' it. :beerbang:
she's a big girl and i believe she can make her own decisions.

Combine that with the fact that you're apparently not a controlling prick in your marriage, and there ya go. FTR, my spouse takes a 4 day weekend with the girls somewhere outta town every fall, leaving the boy with me. She doesn't come home to an empty house, she just burns points. :D
chcr said:
One guy I know went so far as to say that if his wife pulled something like that she'd come home to an empty house.
I sincerely hope that lady does pull something like that WAY soon.

Enjoy your weekend :beerbang:
These guys that said they would have a problem with it, are they the kind of guys who have to "wear the pants" in their family? I wonder what their wives would say if they heard them say that. Sounds like they may have been trying to act macho, especially the last guy.

Since Rusty and I moved in together four years ago, we've been apart overnight maybe three times, and that was because of work travel or family obligations. We will go see our seperate families/friends alone at times if the other has weekend work or other things planned. But that's never overnight.

If I had friends that did that sort of thing, and they invited me someplace that Rusty wasn't too keen on going to, I don't think would have a problem with it other than missing me. I know I'd miss him if he did the same, but that would be the extent of it.
I'm one of those with the idea that if I'm invited she's invited, if she's not invited then i'm not invited either. And it should work both ways.

I'd marry a girl because I would want to be with her, not just be there when I want to and drop her when I don't need her (boys night?).
if Diana wanted to take off with some friends for a few days, i wouldnt have a problem with that.
No problem here. There obviously isn't much trust in the relationship that has problems with that kind of thing.
Shit...I never thought of that. I better get a 9-5 job with internet service. That way I can hook up a webcam & keep an eye on my wife. She may do something fun without me :dismay:
What about the women who said, "My husband wouldn't allow that." That was even more shocking. "Allow?????"
if my man wanted to go away for some fun i'd want to go too...but for some strange reason i wouldn't be entertained (like a lawn fertilizer convention or a lecture on civil war cavalry) i suppose i would be cool with not attending and spending some time by myself.
My current spouse has taken weekend trips without me to visit her folks in another state. She would prefer I accompany her, and I usually do, but sometimes I don't. I think it's good for them to spend time together without me around, and it's also good to have a day or two to gel alone.

I would not have a tremendous problem with her spending a weekend or so with friends if the trip were something I could not care less about. Say, figure skating...I'd rather be at the dentist. I trust my wife when we are not within sight of one another.

I think she would feel the same about me. I know she would rather watch paint dry as hike and fish, so if I were to put a little weekend outdoorsman's retreat together she would probably be OK with that.

My ex, on the other hand, was codependant to the nth degree. If she went, I was expected to go too. If I was going, she was going too. Especially if it was overnight. I could get an evening with my bestest bud about once a month to go drink pool and shoot beers, but that was about it...and I'd pay for that with at least 12 hours of antique shopping. Got real annoying, real fast. Most things that she wanted to do, I would endure or try to develop at least some interest in; if it was my interest, she would sabotage it every time. Good freakin' riddance.

Trust is vital.
Gonz said:
If ya ain't got trust in a marriage, ya ain't got shit.

Fucking right. The missus vanishes to the cottage as soon as the Vs are out of school. I might catch up for a weekend now and then. I get time to swot, and she gets a lake.