AZ charges against Warren Jeffs dismissed with prejudice


Well-Known Member
Let's get the ad homs and false accusations out of the way from the outset, shall we?

"Peel defends child molesters, pedophiles, and pederasts again."

There. That should do it.

It seems that there is no point continuing as he has already served more time waiting to be tried than he would have if he were convicted on day one.

On to Texas ...


Arizona Judge Dismisses Charges Against Warren Jeffs

Published June 09, 2010 | Associated Press

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. -- A Mohave County judge on Wednesday dismissed all Arizona charges against polygamist leader Warren Jeffs after a prosecutor said continuing with the charges would be "impractical."

Judge Steven Conn granted Mohave County Attorney Matt Smith's motion to dismiss the four charges of sexual misconduct with a minor with prejudice, meaning they cannot be refiled on the same set of facts.

Smith said the two alleged victims in the cases no longer want to proceed with prosecution in Arizona.

In his motion filed earlier Wednesday, he said Jeffs has already served more time in Arizona than he would receive upon conviction, more serious charges are pending against Jeffs in Texas, and Jeffs has had significant medical problems while jailed in Kingman.

"It would be impractical and unnecessary to spend taxpayer money on this defendant under all the above mentioned circumstances,"
Smith wrote.

Jeffs' attorney, Mike Picarretta, said he appreciates Smith "fulfilling his ethical duties and dismissing all remaining prosecutions" against Jeffs.

The court ordered the sheriff's office to transport Jeffs back to Utah, where his 2007 convictions on two counts of rape as an accomplice are on appeal to the Utah Supreme Court. He was sentenced to two consecutive terms of five years to life in prison for the charges, which involved Jeffs' role in the 2001 spiritual marriage of an underage follower to her then-19-year-old cousin.

Smith noted that Texas has started extradition proceedings, but Conn said Arizona had only temporary custody of Jeffs until the charges against him were resolved. Any such proceeding must be initiated with Utah, not Arizona, Conn said.

Jeffs, the former leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was moved to Kingman from the Utah State Prison in February 2008. The first of his Arizona trials had been scheduled to begin Nov. 2, with the second trial to be considered at its conclusion.

Jeffs' troubles extended into Texas when he was indicted on charges of sexual assault of a child and bigamy, months after authorities raided the FLDS' Yearning for Zion ranch at Eldorado in April 2008.
too bad. that guy's tree shredder material. well, the legal system don't always work. hey jim are you feeling the same way about this as you did when OJ beat the system?
too bad. that guy's tree shredder material. well, the legal system don't always work. hey jim are you feeling the same way about this as you did when OJ beat the system?

OJ was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. I do not second guess why they reached that decision.

In my heart of hearts do I believe he was guilty? Yes I do; but my opinion does not matter a whit against the verdict of a lawfully seated jury. OJ was not guilty.

As someone once said, "It is better that 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man be wrongfully convicted."

Jeffs was simply dismissed with prejudice. There was no verdict and there was no jury. If there were, then I would feel the same way about the verdict. It was correct for those people at that time based upon the preponderance of the evidence presented before them.
well jim in a technical sense you are of course correct, however, i really don't buy this stuff about "it's my religion and that's what we do in my religion." i don't think it's cool that people mutilate female genitals in the name of islam, and i don't think 14 year-olds should be used as brood sows.

perhaps the key to this is the vast power asymmetry; big man phallus holds the cards, acts upon the female as his will dictates, calls it religion.

i call it being an asshole.
well jim in a technical sense you are of course correct, however, i really don't buy this stuff about "it's my religion and that's what we do in my religion." i don't think it's cool that people mutilate female genitals in the name of islam, and i don't think 14 year-olds should be used as brood sows.

perhaps the key to this is the vast power asymmetry; big man phallus holds the cards, acts upon the female as his will dictates, calls it religion.

i call it being an asshole.

What it essentially comes down to Mink ... is that the US was founded on the idea that unless someone can come up with a damn good reason why not ... you have the freedom to do as you please. And pretty much the only 'good reason' is if your choice restricts someone else's against their will. Whether or not you like it is irrelevant.

I've always said that's a bad idea.
well prof, the libertarian ideal, as i recall it, is that you should have the freedom to do whatever you want or live however you choose until the point that it infringes on the rights of others.

now, i do think we have a case of that here... and, with all due respect, i really can't get behind your ideas that people need to be told how to live. to me, that's just another shade of the kind of thing that got mr. jeffs into trouble in the first place.
and i don't think 14 year-olds should be used as brood sows.

Up front, I agree.

However, 14 year olds not being used as brood sows is a relatively new thing. In many places, it's still going on. Is that not cultural?
well prof, the libertarian ideal, as i recall it, is that you should have the freedom to do whatever you want or live however you choose until the point that it infringes on the rights of others.

now, i do think we have a case of that here... and, with all due respect, i really can't get behind your ideas that people need to be told how to live. to me, that's just another shade of the kind of thing that got mr. jeffs into trouble in the first place.

Unmoderated, perhaps you're right. But ask yourself what's worse. A little intelligent control, or what you see at walmart on a daily basis?
The legality of age depends on which state you happen to reside at the time of the "offense".

Thirteen-year-olds have been married off throughout history -- including United States history -- and it is only in very recent times that women were declared too stupid to make their own decisions on sex and marriage and the age limitations instituted.

My wife's grandmother was thirteen when she married her husband, who was 21. They had one son and one daughter, several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.The marriage lasted nearly sixty years with grandpa dying several years before his wife.

Today, the government would arrest him, dissolve the marriage, and all of those children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren would never have been born. My wife would never have been born and I would never have met her, had my two children and three grandchildren.

All because the government decided that women are too stupid to make an informed decision on sex and marriage and unilaterally declared all men to be predators.
Chicken hawks are predators and that is agreed upon in the Gay community. Look it up.

Those who recruit to the Gay community are not considered predators. They DO recruit, you know.
BULLSHIT. recruitment IS doctrinal in LDS.

I was speaking of Gays. You broached that subject.

All heterosexual advances by men toward women are recruitment, per se.

All proselytizing by all religions is recruitment.
whatever jim. let's agree that anyone who takes advantage of power differences to advance a sexual agenda is an asshole? does that work? that covers your boy jeffs and all those legions of chickenhawks drooling lasciviously outside elementary schools...