
just saw this yesterday. easily one of the best movies i've seen in awhile.
anyone else see this yet?
looking forward to that movie a tad too much? hate when that happens.
all i knew about the movie was the blurbs they mention about it on the award shows.
i was deeply engrossed in the movie. didnt even notice people talking, moving about the cinema or the blue lights from cellphones when people check the time.
Yeah, I might have liked it better if I didn't know about it and then suddenly found out who the director was.
I actually was expecting more, it is far from being as good as Amores Perros.

just read the brief snyopsis of that one. he seems to like the theme of several different story lines and characters with some sort of connection.
i'll have to look for that one next time.
just read the brief snyopsis of that one. he seems to like the theme of several different story lines and characters with some sort of connection.
i'll have to look for that one next time.

That's why I got a bit disappointed by Babel, he tried to make something similar to Amores Perros and failed miserably. You should rent it ;)
We're probably going to see it sunday or wednesday. I don't think Ampres Perros was all that good. Definately good, but nothing exceptional