Back from Chaos.... for a short time...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone....

Just thought I'd pop in from the land of Chaos where LordStrikers forces are steaming towards victory on Saturday over our many enemies in Age 2. LMAO!

How are you all, I miss coming over to see you but I'm working very hard for Striker Clan and am having a ball fighting orcs... :lol:
Hiya, Auntie... long time no see.

Is it really that time consuming? What are your duties for the clan and all?
I'm one of LordStriker's Family of Trusted Officers... I'm Global Modrator in the forums that have several hundred active members. I'm also an op in our Mirc chatrooms and I also help LS answer the PMs in his inbox... as we all do... he gives us the html files and we answer through our own accounts... In return we get the many people who want to be his officers as our officers. I'm one of several officers who sit in on meetings and whom LS trusts with his battleplans and stategies etc.

We're also continuosly mass attacking Orc00 of The Inktank Army, the second ranked player and helping to fend off the mass attacks on LS from Relentless and the other alliances ranged against us by clicking like mad in our clan recruiter to increase his men and help him grow stronger. And we support each other in the forums and on the battle field. We're recruiting like mad at the moment for the new age.

Long Live LordStriker!

Long Live Striker Clan!
I walked away from the game a long while back so I don't know whats on the plate for improvements in age3. Anyone know what they are planning?
I know. ;) It's great you're having fun, too! :D The game is losing interest for me, but I'm looking forward to a fresh start in Age 3.
I kicked fury out of our operations room and banned him last night on Mirc :lol:... I hope he forgives me, but he is the enemy in Chaos though I hope he's still my friend here.

I've been banned form their strikeback chat room too... lol