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molṑn labé
Staff member
Looking better & better. Who'd have thunk that little green men would look less like Marvin & more like Sea Monkeys.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Images relayed by a European space probe reveal the existence of a sea of ice close to the equator of Mars, scientists said Tuesday at a conference in the Netherlands. The existence of water or ice would significantly increase the chance that microscopic life may also be found on Mars.

AP Science
Gonz said:
Looking better & better. Who'd have thunk that little green men would look less like Marvin & more like Sea Monkeys.

AP Science
I would have thunk that. What I wonder about is how similar would the water be. Is it necessarily the same water we have?
well yes, if you wanna get technical lol.

rephrased lingering question on my mind - Is it actually h20? :p
I'm waiting to see. It could still be life sustaining liquid I'm sure. Just wondering how widespread actual water really is.
It would seem to me that there would almost have to be some water on all the planets.
I don't see how just dust could stay together, without at least shifting around,
and that planet seems to be pretty solid looking.
Proof positive that there is life elsewhere in the Cosmos.


OK perhaps I was being too greedy
wishing that if I can manage to live to be
as old as my father and grandfather (mid 80's)
that I'd get to see a breakthrough in the grand unified theory.

I'll settle for evidence of life somewhere 'out there'.

Not Aliens cruising up into a parking orbit then
landing on the White house lawn,
just proof that we aren't alone.

Yep that should do it.
Winky said:
Proof positive that there is life elsewhere in the Cosmos.


OK perhaps I was being too greedy
wishing that if I can manage to live to be
as old as my father and grandfather (mid 80's)
that I'd get to see a breakthrough in the grand unified theory.

I'll settle for evidence of life somewhere 'out there'.

Not Aliens cruising up into a parking orbit then
landing on the White house lawn,
just proof that we aren't alone.

Yep that should do it.
Have you looked at Michael Jackson???? :lloyd:
chcr said:
I think there getting ahead of themselves. It may not even be water ice.

Thats a pet hate of mine.....why do people assume that just because most forms of life on earth require water, any other life in the universe too? I mean just because theres carbon/silicon based life here, why can't there be other kinds of life that we haven't thought of, ones that don't conform to how we think life should exist?
Raven said:
Thats a pet hate of mine.....why do people assume that just because most forms of life on earth require water, any other life in the universe too? I mean just because theres carbon/silicon based life here, why can't there be other kinds of life that we haven't thought of, ones that don't conform to how we think life should exist?
Well, it's the only life we've ever seen so it's natural to assume (given that the general laws governing chemistry and physics are the same throughout the universe) that that's what's possible. Could certainly be wrong, but natural to assume.

Now, what silicon based life?
Raven anything we could call life would be based on long-chain molecules. The only atoms which form the chains are carbon and silicon (so far).

But we should all know that people aren't really just looking for other life. They're looking for other life like us. Life of the type that could survive on Venus or Jupiter are scientifically interesting .... but useless to us.
None that we know of but it's speculated that it may have been part of the rise of life on earth and was simply overtaken in complexity by carbon based life.
I'm one of those "show me" people (not from Missouri though). I feel the same way about that as I do about UFOs. Show me some credible evidence.
I'll get back to you on that one ;)

Exciting though.....think our chances are better with Europa personally but you never know what a little digging will turn up.