Bad Housekeeping


Staff member
Pulled out a frozen bread dough yesterday and plopped it in the pan to bake later for dinner. Put it up on the fridge where it's nice and warm.

Got home too late for dinner, ordered in, forgot the bread. I found it at 10 this morning, I thought what the hell, I'll give it a go, it was HUGE.

Finally pull it out of the oven, it smells GREAT!!

Then I come to find that the top is hard as a rock, the bottom is soggy, the inside is HOLLOW, and it's pulled the tfal off of my loaf tin.

All in all, not a kitchen feat of greatness. :lloyd:
Frozen bread dough? You can freeze bread dough?

I have experienced the forgotten-dough, hollow, smelling-like-alcohol bread though.

Btw, since you mentioned housekeeping: I have been (by myself) diagnosed with CDD.

Clutter Detection Disorder.
I've never done it with my homemade, but the freezer section of lots of grocery stores here has preformed dough ready to go and frozen. $.99 for a loaf of whole wheat. Takes a few hours to defrost right in the loaf pan, it rises while defrosting, it's nice.

Except when I get hold of it :lloyd:
I'm glad it wasn't all for naught.

I got lotsa failure stories if she needs em lol
I'm sad
fresh baked bread is so old timey
like childhood kinda thing

I'd be pissed and go to the store and get another one and
try again and be smiling as I buttered a fresh piece of the freshly baked bread I just made and now I'm gonna go in the kitchen and start a roast for dinner with mashed potatoes (and not those instant one's I might add) and brown gravy and hmmm what else would be good to go with it? Oh I know fresh baked BREAD lol oh crap I don't have a bread pan...

*Winky wanders off to the kitchen to dig around for a bread pan*
what do you make meatloaf in? :eek6:

That was my favouritest loaf pan, tfal and all. Meatloaf washed up soooooooooo easy. :(
I have no idea how accurate or inaccurate my oven's temperature knob is, because I haven't used the oven since I moved in... in early July.
Inkara1 said:
I have no idea how accurate or inaccurate my oven's temperature knob is, because I haven't used the oven since I moved in... in early July.

Ink! What are you doing touching an oven's knob!!!!?

The fringe freezer will get jealous! :p
Leslie said:
Pulled out a frozen bread dough yesterday and plopped it in the pan to bake later for dinner. Put it up on the fridge where it's nice and warm.

Got home too late for dinner, ordered in, forgot the bread. I found it at 10 this morning, I thought what the hell, I'll give it a go, it was HUGE.

Finally pull it out of the oven, it smells GREAT!!

Then I come to find that the top is hard as a rock, the bottom is soggy, the inside is HOLLOW, and it's pulled the tfal off of my loaf tin.

All in all, not a kitchen feat of greatness. :lloyd:

:laugh5:Awwww, Sorry Les, that was so funny to hear though, I needed that LOL.
reminds me of someone cooking a turkey, sitting down to eat it, and its hollow inside! I could imagine the look on your face when you cut it... :lol2:
Better luck next time sweetie.....