Baghdad Bob


molṑn labé
Staff member
Has anyone heard any more on this? I heard a blurb yesterday & then nothing more & the only source I can find is WND.

Two Iranian newspapers indicate Saddam's spokesman – who became internationally famous as "Baghdad Bob" and "Comical Ali" for his comedic hyperbole – has committed suicide.

According to reports in Mardomsalari and Al Wifaq, Iraqi refugees taking shelter near the Iranian town of Dehloran say al-Sahhaf hanged himself shortly before Baghdad fell to U.S. forces on April 9. No source was provided to confirm the claim.
Nah, if that had happened, surely he would have gone on the air to say it hadn't. :tardbang:

Actually, that's quite sad, guess he felt like he couldn't go on after Baghdad was taken. Can't say I blame him.
Yep....Shot himself in the head 14 times and stabbed himself 11 times. All with his hands tied behind his back. Helluva way to commit suicide....:retard: