
New Member

A bait car is a vehicle owned by the police and is intended to be stolen. After a bait car is stolen, the location, speed, and direction of travel of the vehicle is monitored by police dispatchers at EComm through GPS tracking. Everything that takes place inside the bait car is caught on audio and video. The dispatcher will coordinate a police response and once officers are in position behind the bait car, the engine will be disabled at the click of a mouse button which allows for the quick arrest of the car thieves.
Looks like a great program... one which would surely result in all kinds of lawsuits in the US.
Now that wold be funny to watch, the video....America's Most Dumbest Criminals.... :lol2:

*The man suspected of DUI who answers the officer's question "What is your level of education?" with "I got 20 years education...I graduated the 10th grade twice!"
We've had that down here as well for quite a while with the exception of the doors auto locking as well as having an internal speaker system telling them that they are in fact under arrest for stealing a car and to not resist... for it they do, the car gets flooded out with pepper spray.

...just in case they have a gun and are thinking of being naughty.