Bands you love to hate and the ones that define you???


Well-Known Member
Which bands piss you off the most...bands that make you wonder why music is appreciated in the first place? Any band that makes you go....i wish they'd get arrested for the crap they produce....

on the other end of the specturm

Which bands define you?'d follow them to hell because they are so amazing to you?:headbang:
i can answer the second part without hesitation...


their work expresses many themes to which i identify:

-a fondness of breakfast cereal
-alice in wonderland (as i see it, at least)
-self destruction
-an interest in vampirism
-religious tones
-lots of cathartic screaming.

it's so wonderful.

i feel like i fucked up, now, tho... because when i MET the band a couple of weeks ago... i wasnt able to communicate my feelings, because i was so stunned to be meeting them; it was a surreal experience:(
There's only one guy that i really can't stand: Fernando Delgadillo.

Bands that i like?, oftenly i don't go after a band name, i rather go for the song.
Boy bands or girls bands are at the top of my hate list... how the hell can they call themselves a band if they don't play any instruments?

As to who defines me... I really don't know...
too much out in the charts is poor, wretched and utterly undeserving of my time or respect. like aunty said, the manufactured boy/girl bands are the worst.

bands i like and are important to me?
cure, curve, sundays, many invividual albums from a variety of others that conjure particular times and people.
Britney Spears is on top of my shit list currently. I've worked as a musician most of my life, and I find it really offensive that someone with no other talent than fake tits and an ability to dress like a streetwalker can become a pop star.

I define myself. Most of the bands I really like wouldn't mean much to anyone else. I've either been in them or seen them play somewhere. None have ever become really popular.
Collective Soul is the band. Songs from Soul Asylum, Aerosmith, and the old Matchbox 20 also define me.

Bands I hate? Err.....hmmm.....not sure. Usually a band has at least one song I am cool with. I hate songs that are nothing but screaming.