Basra. Badhdad. Damascus?


molṑn labé
Staff member
This is starting to get interesting

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld issued a stern warning to Syria on Friday, saying military supplies, including night-vision goggles, were passing from that country into Iraq, posing a "direct threat" to coalition forces.

"We consider such trafficking as hostile acts and will hold the Syrian government accountable for such shipments," Rumsfeld said at a Pentagon briefing.

Rumsfeld also warned Iran -- a longtime enemy of Iraq -- about proxy forces moving into Iraq, where the United States and coalition forces are waging a war to topple the regime of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

Gonzo Propaganda provided by CNN
...especially the "proxy forces"

They are Iraqis trained by Iran, apparently. Guess we'll know one way or the other shortly.

Rumsfeld said in his briefing that they had NOT, as yet, committed any actions, hostile or otherwise, to coalition forces....

...all these extra players.....

hmmmmm....can't make anything of it yet either...

This one really has me concerned. I saw it as a possibility. If it gets too nasty we may need to re-think our strategy. We can win, but at what cost?
What the hell is neo-imperialism? Sam taking over the whole web?

If America is an imperialistic country, why are Japan & Germany independent? Never mind...just thinking out loud.

09/11 was the first shot of WW3, mark my words & worry.
Damn, I hoped that doomsday shit was over when Russia came to their senses. Looks like I'm gonna have to piss off ol' Bish and go for that gun license.
Tie it with this...

Europe shrinking as birthrates decline
By Mark Henderson, Science Correspondent

EUROPE’S population will continue to decline for decades even if birthrates improve significantly, researchers have calculated.
Trends towards smaller families and later motherhood mean that there are too few women of childbearing age to reverse the decline in the near future, according to an Austrian study. The year 2000 marked a turning point, with the population’s “momentum” becoming negative; there will be fewer parents in the next generation than in this one.

At present 1.5 babies are born for every European Union woman, when two births are required for the population “replacement rate” to be maintained. Even if women started to have more children again, at younger ages, the tendency to population decline would continue for decades, as there would be too few potential mothers to make a difference.

The findings come from a study by Wolfgang Lutz, of the Austrian Academy of Science in Vienna, and Brian O’Neill, of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria, using data from the European Demographic Observatory.

They show that Europe’s population could decline by as much as 88 million people if present trends continue for another 15 years. The population of the European Union was about 375 million in 2000.

The decline made Europe the scene of a significant social experiment, Dr Lutz said. “Negative momentum has not been experienced on a large scale in world history so far,” he added.

The model, details of which are published today in the journal Science, does not take into account immigration, which will be required if the population is not to slip dramatically. “We expect continued immigration into Europe, but we wanted to identify these two mechanisms which we think are new and important insights into the nature of population dynamics,” Dr Lutz said.

The authors said that the changing role of women was a significant factor in the projected population decline. Many were putting off having their first child to concentrate on their education or career.

...and you see that our enemy is growing faster than our friends.
I've spoken about the "ME" syndrome enough before. This is it's effects.

But, FYI, France and Germany, and a big chunk of russia are in europe too. And calling them friends is a bit of a leap of faith at the best of times.
Like that took a fucking genious to figure out?

Sorry, but it's been blatantly obvious for hundreds of years that the Middle East is just waiting for a spark to ignite.
Life was so much easier when the world was under British rule. See what you yanks started? You never know to leave well enough alone.
Professur said:
Damn, I hoped that doomsday shit was over when Russia came to their senses.

It is a very sad day when one realizes the cold war was what kept the world safe :(

My perspective on what the future holds. It's a little off but I stand by the overall concept, still.