Be careful what you wish for


molṑn labé
Staff member
It just may happen


A woman who gave birth to a child months before entering a same-sex civil union in Vermont is appealing a court ruling that granted parental standing to her former partner.

Cheryl Barlow, who says she no longer is a lesbian, was united with Keri Jones, both residents of Utah, five months after Barlow became pregnant by artificial insemination in 2001.

But...but...but I thought you were BORN homosexual. I mean, every time I ever submitted the opinion that it is 100% a choice matter, I get crucified...but now this chick who once thought she was a lesbian now decides she isn't one any more...oh God I'm so confused....

not really

So I guess it's something that your born with unless you decide you aren't born that way, unless it suits your purpose better to have been not born that way, then discovering that you WERE born that way only to find out that you don't like being born that way and determine that you need to have been born the other way, until...

Oh hell, screw it all. It's a choice and we all know it.
*to the tune of a meow mix commercial*

me, me ,me, me
me, me ,me, me
me, me ,me, me, me, me ,me, me
me, me ,me, me
me, me ,me, me
me, me ,
me, me
me, me
me, me
me, me ,me