Beauty tax to subsidize ugly people

Luis G

Staff member
Not kidding, that's what some people want in Argentina:

A beauty tax that grants subsidies to ugly people. Weekly marches through the downtown streets demanding equal treatment for those handicapped by not being good-looking.


Undeterred, Otalora is proposing a slew of new laws that would deal with the problem and include the following ideas:

Companies must ensure that at least 30 percent of their employees are ugly (including public relations, receptionists and executives)

Thirty percent of the casts of the soap operas should be ugly and at least one of the lead characters should specifically not be unattractive

In fashion shows, all sizes and physical qualities should be represented Mannequins should represent all sizes and physical qualities Advertising should represent all sizes and different physical characteristics Sex magazines should be obliged to have ugly and fat people as models Beautiful and ugly persons should receive equal pay Advertising should abstain from using touch-ups, trick lighting, makeup or whatever other effect that modifies the true body or face of the model

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Been saying it for years. This nonsense of "I don't therefore you can't" is eventually gonna hit everybody. Non-smokers turning smokers into pariahs, taxing it to death, oh that's fine because they don't get effected. The one I want is a 47% special tax on curbed sidewalks and speedbumps in cutesy little "neighborhoods" to pay for road construction. We'd hear some hollerin then...