Been a while


Major contributor!
And it'll probably be a while again.

Today was the first official day for me as a small business owner. I am now the owner of a small computer retail location. Eric's Computing Solutions.

Soooooo, now I work my ass off every day of the week and Saturday. Listen to people complain. Listen to customers tell me what is wrong with their computers and how to fix it (the why in the fuck did you bring it to me???), and generally get no sleep whatsoever.

So why in the hell did I do this? I can tell that same customer, if the situation arises, to fuck off. Seriously, I doubt that this kinda thing will ever happen, but hey, I'm the owner. I can do whatever I want.

If I really need to, I can just close that store up and leave. Who's going to tell me I can't? BAH! No fucking one! HAA!

So, here I am, tired as shit, trying to learn Quick Books, trying to remember alllllllllllllllll this little shit that needs to get done, waiting for my credit card machine to get here, waiting for the insurance to get started, waiting for the wholesalers to approve credit apps, trying to understand all the tax crap, and not getting any damn sleep in the process.

But alas, things are turning for the better. Insurance is a go, credit card machine should be here next week, all the credit apps have been approved, and I'm actually getting this fucking piece of shit, fucking waste of damn time Quick Books figured out. Of course I'm still lost whe it comes to the taxes....that shit is going to require a bookeeper. Michelle is going to have to figure that crap out whe she gets back.

Verizon, for some unknown fucking reason felt that I didn't need DSL the other day. So, right before the contract is to be signed, they up and kill my service. FUCK ME! I HATE THAT FUCKING COMPANY! Finally, after fifty billion phone calls to every fucking damn piece of shit rep they have, I finally got my service back up.

Anyway, I figured I'd drop by and say hello. Comp Techs is hosed. I've got absolutely zero time for that crap. Now, it's all about my company. When I get some time, I'll try to stop by on a rare occasion though. To Sam, fluffboy and that old ass geezer gonzo, good job on the site dudes. Looks pretty piffy in the this blue layout.

By the way, the unit that my wife will be attached to got called up. The good news is that she won't graduate from her AIT in time to do all the outprocessing stuff. The guys down at the armory seriously doubt that she'll ever get called up. Finally....some good news. :) She gets back o the 5th of Sept....going to close that day for sure and no one is going to tell me I can't! HAAA!

Later peps. See ya all in a few.
Woah, sounds like you've been busy, good luck with your new store :headbang:
PostCode said:
And it'll probably be a while again.

Today was the first official day for me as a small business owner. I am now the owner of a small computer retail location. Eric's Computing Solutions.

Soooooo, now I work my ass off every day of the week and Saturday. Listen to people complain. Listen to customers tell me what is wrong with their computers and how to fix it (the why in the fuck did you bring it to me???), and generally get no sleep whatsoever.

So why in the hell did I do this? I can tell that same customer, if the situation arises, to fuck off. Seriously, I doubt that this kinda thing will ever happen, but hey, I'm the owner. I can do whatever I want.

If I really need to, I can just close that store up and leave. Who's going to tell me I can't? BAH! No fucking one! HAA!

So, here I am, tired as shit, trying to learn Quick Books, trying to remember alllllllllllllllll this little shit that needs to get done, waiting for my credit card machine to get here, waiting for the insurance to get started, waiting for the wholesalers to approve credit apps, trying to understand all the tax crap, and not getting any damn sleep in the process.

But alas, things are turning for the better. Insurance is a go, credit card machine should be here next week, all the credit apps have been approved, and I'm actually getting this fucking piece of shit, fucking waste of damn time Quick Books figured out. Of course I'm still lost whe it comes to the taxes....that shit is going to require a bookeeper. Michelle is going to have to figure that crap out whe she gets back.

Verizon, for some unknown fucking reason felt that I didn't need DSL the other day. So, right before the contract is to be signed, they up and kill my service. FUCK ME! I HATE THAT FUCKING COMPANY! Finally, after fifty billion phone calls to every fucking damn piece of shit rep they have, I finally got my service back up.

Anyway, I figured I'd drop by and say hello. Comp Techs is hosed. I've got absolutely zero time for that crap. Now, it's all about my company. When I get some time, I'll try to stop by on a rare occasion though. To Sam, fluffboy and that old ass geezer gonzo, good job on the site dudes. Looks pretty piffy in the this blue layout.

By the way, the unit that my wife will be attached to got called up. The good news is that she won't graduate from her AIT in time to do all the outprocessing stuff. The guys down at the armory seriously doubt that she'll ever get called up. Finally....some good news. :) She gets back o the 5th of Sept....going to close that day for sure and no one is going to tell me I can't! HAAA!

Later peps. See ya all in a few.

Dayum. She'll be home before I will. BTW...weren't you supposed to post a pic of her a while back? :p
Congratulations old man. Looks like you went from being one of the sheep to becoming a herder. Damn nice. Hope you get old, fat & rich. Or at least have the pleasure of telling one or more reps to fuck off (never tell the customers that, they squeal to their friends which is bad for business). We've been wondering about you, don't stay gone so long. I figured when she finished BT you guys wore yourselves out &/or the kids had you tied up in the basement.

She came home for two weeks at the end of June because that had to do an emergency gall bladder removal. I'm still trying to figure out how they got it out of a slit that measures less than a half inch in length...

Anyway, she came home for two weeks of pure sex. :D

Now I'm back to sleeping on my back again. :(

We took pictures, just not the kind that I would publish here. :D

I might be able to find something. Right now everything is getting packed up though. Were moving at the end of the month to a new house, so things are all scattered all over the place. Most of my computer equipment is being taken down to the store so things are really a mess right now. Maybe later though.
Congrats on becoming your own Boss! :wink2:

Don't they have Free Small Business Advisors over there to help you with your Tax? When does it come due? Over here, unless it's changed, I believe the first payment is due 6 months after the end of the previous financial year - usually split into 2 payments. From what I can gather it's best to have the accounts checked at the end of the financial year by a qualified accountant as they know all the things you can claim for, etc.
good to hear from you posty. hope all is well. good luck with the business thing. take care of things.
Congratulations, Postcode. I had my own desktop publishing biz several years ago. Did fair, but I don't really think I'm suited to working for myself. Not motivated enough, you know. Being your own boss is the best though. Hope you do really well.:D
Wow, that's great Posty! I'm sure it will work out fine, and I hope you have enough good customers (or enough money) to outweigh the bad customers. :)
greenfreak said:
Wow, that's great Posty! I'm sure it will work out fine, and I hope you have enough good customers (or enough money) to outweigh the bad customers. :)

sheez, if it weren't for the other headaches i'd love to tell off customers and take dayoffs whenever too :D