Beer is really good for you, scientists say


Well-Known Member
IT'S GOOD NEWS FOR hacks all over the globe, as a bunch of researchers from the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, and the Tokyo University of Science, have found that beer is actually really good for you.
As well as enabling drinkers to unleash manly belches and develop attractive, proud beer-bellies, apparently the magical nectar helps reduce chromosomal damage from radiation exposure.

Researchers are hoping that the discovery will lead to a new radiation drug being developed, or at least a more party friendly atmosphere in the hospital wards.

Blood samples were taken from lucky test subjects before and after they had drunk about 630ml of beer. Apparently, when the samples were exposed to X-rays and other types of radiation, after the subjects had glugged the beer their samples showed at least 30% fewer aberrations in the blood cells.

According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the useful ingredient that could very well save your life in a post-pub X-ray incident is beta-pseudouridine. Although the researchers are excited about the findings, group leader Koichi Ando warned that while drinking beer prior to an X-ray could be beneficial, "people should be aware that drinking beer may affect the results of other health exams." Or, indeed, any exam. µ


So, does this mean that in case of impending nuclear threat, we should throw a kegger?
Whalllll, with these new stealth planes, and ICBMumbles, yer not really gonna get much warnin' , areya? So it's praaabably a good idear t' preload yer system. Y'know, just in case.
if that's what's going to save us... I'm in a lot of trouble........ *thoughts as the bombs drop* "if only I'd taken up drinking"....