being fat makes every day unhappy

People should worry more about their bodies, that's what keeps them alive and it seems that most people don't realize that or think it doesn't matter.

Kudos to the guy, but let's hope he doesn't stop at McDonald's to eat.
3 months out of his 6 month window and hes only made it to Flagstaff, AZ?! ...and in the dead of summer no less. The man is going to die. The 3300 mile route over 6 months equates to less than 20 miles a day... which should be a relative cinch once he burns in.

Not stop at McDonalds?.. heck.. hes going to need to eat about 5000 calories a day just to halt the weight loss from becoming a medically dangerous freefall. His major problem will be in finding adequate water throughout that sun hammered southwest. Nuttin out there but rattlesnakes and Jesus... and for a very good reason.
Hella Yeah I'd like to meet this Dood in person!

yer right though seems like he's gonna fricken croak
I should do that. I have a few kilos to shed. Staring at 2000 miles of desert and the flatlands of the midwest isnt my idea of stimulating though.
I dream of hiking the entire Appalachian Trail someday. 2200+ miles. And Unc is right, when you put your body through a metabolic shock like that, weight loss is the last thing you worry about. You want all the carbs you can get.
Someone just walked from AZ to Chicago recently as a JDRF fundraiser, ending at Wrigley Field. He wasn't fat to begin with, though.
unclehobart said:
I should do that. I have a few kilos to shed. Staring at 2000 miles of desert and the flatlands of the midwest isnt my idea of stimulating though.

looking up 1800' of granite wasn't your idea of a good time either, as I recall.
Professur said:
looking up 1800' of granite wasn't your idea of a good time either, as I recall.
Not at all. I just knew it wasn't going to be the 'lets run up and down this thing 3 times a day all week' routine that V.2 was all rah-rah about. I knew that one trip up was gonna be all she wrote for everyone involved. I've been up that rock 10 times in my life and it was never a cinch.
Yeah ain't that hoot?!?

Walks all the way across the whole fricken nation
and is still a fat assed PIG!

Of course Jim Fixx died runnin' heh

Eat drink and be happy!

(easy for a guy with 6% bodyfat to say huh?)
Since the brain is about 2/3 fat, you probably don't want to drop another ounce. Dipping down to about 4% body fat can make you a downright moe-ron.
Eye dunno 'bout duh brian
but once eye hit 5% and change
duh fat pad under mah heel dissipates
to duh point where eye can't go bearfootie.

gotta go git me a Big Mac
Daumn I actually some food Inky and it made me sick
I'm going back to my sub-Ethiopian daily caloric intake!

I read where the inmates of Auschwitz had a hard time
eating after liberation, Hmmm mebbe I need to look into that?

Ally’s a hawtie

She's hangin' with Hans Solo after all!
