Belaboring the obvious...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
but having no plan on their own.

A half century of desegregation law _ and racial tension _ was laid bare for the Democrats hours before they met. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court clamped historic new limits on school desegregation plans.

The conservative majority cited the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case to bolster its precedent-shattering decision, an act termed a "cruel irony" by Justice John Paul Stevens in his dissent. The 1954 ruling led to the end of state-sponsored school segregation in the United States.

If they did this debate in front of a mostly white audience, off camera, I firmly believe their statements would not be as strident. BTW...the quote of the day will be this one.

"This issue of poverty is the cause of my life," said John Edwards, the 2004 vice presidential nominee.

That came from the second wealthiest man in the Presidential race in 2004.


For those who will claim it, this isn't about jealousy or hate. Its about hypocrisy.
*sigh* Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Kind of a not unexpected result though. You could see it coming.

BTW, John Edwards isn't a faggot but he is an ass.
Simply put, if you required citizens of your country to actually live by the 'equality' ideals your country is based on ..... your population would drop below Canada's. Hell, it'd probably drop below Antarctica.
One more thing I forgot to mention. Nowhere does that ruling re-instate state-sponsored segregation. You may now continue with your mock outrage. :D
I am watching excerpts from this debate right now. A lot of sound bites, but no substance. Nobody wants to hear the truth because nobody can handle the truth.
Well we know you don't handle it well.

What was the point of this thread again? Wealthy people shouldn't care about the poor?
Hell, I'm mostly poor at the moment & I know I don't give a shit for the rest of them.