

Well-Known Member
Between 10 and 15 Senate Democrats are thought to be opposed to Bernanke's confirmation, according to Senate aides.

A Senate confirmation vote has been pushed off until next week at the earliest. Aides said they still think Bernanke will squeak by, but acknowledge that could change. Democrats' loss in the Tuesday Senate special election in Massachusetts has given Democrats the jitters.

I say can him.
He's done nothing but screwup since he's been in there.
why don't you just lay out both what he has done wrong as well as his sins of omission ummmkay? because otherwise you might as well just post something like "he's a dummy dum dum" and be done with it. and we have enough of those kinds of threads around here.
Here's a novel idea. Let's just drop the whole central banking idea.

[chants]NO MORE FED!!
right. let's follow the ideological kneejerk of a guy who professes to not understand economics, and won't even try to understand the role of derivatives and other wacky instruments.

yeah. let's just crawl back into an 18th century womb that never anticipated much beyond an agrarian society and economic order.

fucking christ... and we wonder why they laugh at us overseas...
fucking christ... and we wonder why they laugh at us overseas...

What will the neighbors think?

Explain, in laymans terms, por favor, how a central bank has helped. If I understand correctly, since its inception, we've had a depression (this one makes two according to Preident Obama) & lots of recessions while skyrocketing our debt.
derivitives....from what I can gather, are paying today for what may happen tomorrow.

So, we think it'll be a good year for soy. We buy futures on soy & wait for the outcome.

Hey, look, isn't a mortgage a type of derivitive? The lender assumes the house will increase in value...thus keeping the borrower more motivated to pay?

It looks like the US is going to have a decent year, GDP-wise, let's buy some dollars....

Outside of potentially artificially increasing the value, which is what speculation trading is all about, I'm failing to see the down side. People take thewir money & bet on tomorrows outcome....say, isn't that the Dow Jones?
The way things really are, Derivatives markets > 150 trillion dollars

Better luck next time

I think I'll just make this thread a continual pile-on to the question of
why Bernanke should go.

"No one pretends for a minute that our economy is back at full capacity," Reid said. "But Chairman Bernanke has worked hard to strengthen the economy in recent months. ... He also deserves credit for what didn't happen: An expert on the Great Depression, Chairman Bernanke helped steer us away from a second one."

lol, yeah lets make up suff about what didn't happen.
We can make anybody look good that way.
Bernanke is in cahoots with the devil!

Screw that Let's look at WHAT IS HAPPENING!
The economy is the worst in 60 years!
Everything they are doing is steering it in the wrong direction.
If they are so bloody brilliant how could they fail to see this?
Unless of course they WANT things to be crappy?
What will the neighbors think?

Explain, in laymans terms, por favor, how a central bank has helped. If I understand correctly, since its inception, we've had a depression (this one makes two according to Preident Obama) & lots of recessions while skyrocketing our debt.

you know what, i don't teach anymore - and i hardly did at all anyway because i lack patience - so maybe if you wanna continue to comment on this kind of thing you should go learn some econ basics. use the internet. it holds lots of information. some of it is useful.
I did some reading. It looks like stocks, without the ownership factor