Best Quality DVD+R Blanks


New Member
For anyone wondering what the Best DVD Media for Burning is.. (Verbatim 16x DVD+R).
My system was made for two things, Video & Gaming.
2 SATA Hard Drives in Raid_0 Configuration for speed and ability to move LARGE files.
2_16x DVD burners on separate channels to Rip\Burn files faster.
Fast CPU keep everything running smooth.
And belonging to a few Forums Dedicated to "Backing up" your movies :evilcool:
After burning Hundreds of them, (and ordering 200 more from newegg last night) they just can't be beat!
I've been using the cheaper Ridata. (8x on sale usually. The 16x are close now though)
I've had about 98% success with them.
I've yet to burn a coaster using Maxell 4x although, I wish I could find more movies to, ummm, backup, yea, that's it, backup, so I could take advantage of my burners 8x (the 4x were someting like 4 15-paks for $20...I couldn't refuse)
The 200 I ordered were from Newegg (100pk for $38.99 free shipping).. weekend sale.
and Blockbuster has "all you can rent" for 17.99\month :)
Kruz said:
The 200 I ordered were from Newegg (100pk for $38.99 free shipping).. weekend sale.
and Blockbuster has "all you can rent" for 17.99\month :)
that's not bad for verbatum 16x at all with the shipping free.

that's regular price for the 16x ridata, but the 8x ridata has a $10 instant
savings making them 26.99/100 free shipping also right now. :nerd:
I got time. :D
nalani said:
Verbatim makes great DLs too.

yes they do.. but until they drop to .50c or cheaper per disc, I'll keep ripping the main movie out of a DVD and put it on a single layer disc.

I will get a few for special occasions where the extra space is mandatory. :)
memorex 8x and 16x here. tried others but ended up going back. love em. burned over 200 of them. :)
I use almost exclusive memorex on CDr, and CDwr.
I heard somewhere that Ritek made the memorex dvds. (or at one time or something)
taken from some discussions on another board.

CMC Magnetics makes the discs in Taiwan for Memorex. CMCs are ok quality, not top quality like TY (Taiyo Yudens) or Verbatim 16x MCCs.( Mitsubishi Chemical Corp ) There are many variables in judging quality - DVD player compatibility, quality burns, longevity, etc. TYs and Verb have proven to be top quality for many because they are consistent from batch to batch. Discs manufactured by CMC tend to have a lot of variability.

Memorex uses 5 different manufacturers for their 16x media, including Prodisc, Philips, CMC, MCC, and Ricoh. Which one you get is really a crapshoot.
I think that Memorex gets a bad rap more because there are so many different manufacturers they use for their discs, and with DVD media what works well on one burner or firmware may work poorly on another, so there is a lot of room for fluctuation in success with Memorex.
If the local blockbuster ever burns down, they'll be happy that you decided to help them out by making offsite backups.
Kruz said:
yes they do.. but until they drop to .50c or cheaper per disc, I'll keep ripping the main movie out of a DVD and put it on a single layer disc.

I will get a few for special occasions where the extra space is mandatory. :)

Yeah .. it's expensive .. but sometimes Office Max has a sale on them .. $25 for a 10-pack spindle.