
I don't have bipolar disorder, but my moods can change failry quickly but there's always a reason behind it. I don't get upset unless there's a reason. I took Pyschology in high school but we didn't spend much time on personailty disorders though I begged to differ. I don't remember much anyway. I really can't say much else on this.
i'm not bipolar, but i see a fair number of them at work. most of them are addicts. that makes it difficult to determine if the mood swings are are from the drug use or if they are "self-medicating" to calm the swings. i'm cynical on this. i think most of them have learned to fake the disorder so they can stay on public assistance and have an income for their habit. its amazing how many have flare ups when they get booted out of their halfway house/shelter/someones couch or have a court date coming up.
[singing]And when they were up, they were up. And when they were down, they were down. And when they were only half-way up, they were neither up nor down[/singing]

I've only known one person who is bi-polar. tis a tricky situation, especially trying to gage their current mood.

Do I turn up at her house with a friendly smile......or wearing a suit of armour? :confused: *phanwink*
I know a young boy who is bipolar, and he was a terror until he got on meds, now he's just very annoying. At least he's not on a respirator like his sister. :(
From what i've read about bipolars, i might have it at a lesser grade. Sometimes I swing from very happy to very sad because of little things, but never without a reason :S
it could be Luis. if you want to talk about this on msn i can check in my abnormal psych book for ya since i kept it
Make sure to keep an open mind and don't assume you have it because you've had some symptoms of it because everyone's had some experiences like that. That's why I hated my psychiatrist, he basically diagnosed me with depression before I even entered his office.

Mood swings (even rapid mood swings) in and of themselves, does not Bipolar make.

If you really want to know about it in earnest, check out the medical and psychiatric text. If you want "down and dirty" diagnostic criteria check out a DSM IV or do a quick read of the International Classification of Diseases 9 Edition Clinical Manual revised edition and read the descriptions.

Mines at work but Ill give em' to you if your intrested.

Now as far as personal experiences. Of course it ranges from mild to severe but I was once engaged to a girl who had it and it annoyed me to the point the I broke it off with her (shame too, she was very weathy!). *pimp*