Bird's Eye View


Staff member
Have you ever wondered what Toronto looks like from 72 stories up? Well, you're gonna find out! I was riding a swing stage on the second highest building in Toronto today (the highest being the CN Tower) and I took a bunch of pics. Below are 3 of the best and the one of me that I took (ignore the look on my face, I was facing a white marble wall that had the sun shining off of it and into my face). Too bad it wasn't a clear day, I hear the view is even more spectacular.

Have I mentioned that I love my job? :D

You've got bigger balls than I .:worship:

Would you like to know how one gets on the stage??

See the wall in the first pic? It's 5' high. The stage is on a big contraption that moves on those tracks to where you wanna use it, then you lower the stage over the side of the building so the top of the rail is level with the top of that wall, then you stand on the rail and hook your lanyard which is attached to your harness onto the stage, then sit on the wall facing into the roof and swing your feet around into the stage so you're then facing out and slide off the wall and VOILA you're standing in the stage. :D
Oh and most of those buildings in the last pic are 20-ish stories high and about 3-4 blocks away
I don't even want to know what Toronto looks like from ground level, thanks. I've been there dozens of times, and not once have I had any desire to go up the Tower.
The family & I went up the CN Tower last month and it cost me around $60. A friend from Montreal was here with friend from UK and they wanted to go up. Pissed me off 'cause it was a cold rain day and it made me miss the last
F1 race of the year which was Shumi's last race.