BitTorrent vs Hollyweird

go cohen go. Another example of how hollywood and the music industry is sue happy.
On eguy stumpin' the whole movie industry. Amazing. I might just donate to the guy because of this.
PostCode said:
Bite me. hehehe

Hey, I thought you guys were the ones with the super fast connections, I'm still on crappy 1Mbit cable.
BT is pretty good, but i use DC since it's more useful on the local network. Both protocols usually max my speed(1250kbps outside the network, 12500kbps inside).

Oh, and Hollywood/RIIA/whatever: Good luck. You'll need it.
ya ive been using BT for over a year, i love it. As for them breaking it or really figuring out who we are forget it, by that time it will have evolved yet again.
The way bittorrent shares is extremely effective but the really brilliant thing about it is its error checking.