Black Children Denied IQ Tests in California


Well-Known Member
SAN JOSE, Calif. — The United States may have come a long way in the fight against institutionalized racism but in California, black children are still being denied access to an important educational tool.

Pamela Lewis wanted to have her 6-year-old son Nicholas take a standardized IQ test (search) to determine if he qualifies for special education speech therapy. Officials at his school routinely provide the test to kids but as Lewis soon found out, not to children who are black, due to a statewide policy that goes back to 1979.

At that time, many black kids performed poorly on the IQ test and wound up in special education classes. A lawsuit claimed the test was biased and a judge agreed — banning public schools from giving the test to black children while allowing it for everyone else.

Lawyers for the New Haven School District (search) claim they assess black children through academic performance and other criteria.

The state is looking into Lewis' appeal but she said as a final insult a district official suggested if she changed her son's paperwork to re-classify him as white, as she is, he'd be able to take the test.

She refused and redoubled her commitment to fight for her child's right to be measured by the same standards as other kids.


Lemme get this straight. They sued because the tests didn't work. Now they're suing to have the tests back??? I can definitely see the need for IQ testing. But not for the kids.
Yes I certainly believe after careful review of Negro test scores nationwide that they should be exempted from all testing. Clearly these tests are discriminatory.
How else can you explain one segment of the population consistently scoring below everyone else. While your at it ban them durn Asians they are ruining the curve for the white Kid's lol

I shoulda filed a lawsuit when they tested my Kid and said his IQ was 170+ no wait I made sure he took that test I signed him up and paid for it!!!

Notice that another Libby feel good policy has gone awry!

So in 79 ‘too many’ Negro's were being deemed eligible for the short bus and by passing this law they made it so they couldn't get special education, who knows they may have been helped to join the mainstream and vote Republican.

Yup just another instance of what the left tries to do to minorities revealed.
stupid white boy said:
While your at it

her 6-year-old son Nicholas take a standardized IQ test

Hasn't she gotten the Sharpton/Jackson memo? Standardized tests are biased & tell you nothing of the inner beauty.
Professur said:
Lemme get this straight. They sued because the tests didn't work. Now they're suing to have the tests back??? I can definitely see the need for IQ testing. But not for the kids.
Ahh, you're looking for sense then? IQ tests don't measure that.
Professur said:

Lemme get this straight. They sued because the tests didn't work. Now they're suing to have the tests back??? I can definitely see the need for IQ testing. But not for the kids.

So many ways to go about this...

1. In the time period between 1600 and 1964, give or take a couple years for your hometown to actually do the right thing and implement the core sentiments of the Civil Rights Act, blacks were given sub-standard education. Still are, but Bill Cosby is pointing the finger in the right direction for this time period.
2. Desegregation laws and forced bussing started in the mid to late 1970's, thus getting minorities out of substandard schools. During this time period, standardized testing was just beginning to take hold of the US, but the tests were created out of areas that most sub-standard schools did not have the funds to teach. This was also the period of time when upper-middle class whites began leaving the cities and into the suburbs...also called 'white flight'.
3. Not being taught at a competitve level doomed minority students to lower scores, lower expectations, and low self-esteem.

Add all of this together, and you'll see why the IQ test was banned in California for minority students. Not saying I agree with it, but that's why.
I can buy that. What happened duing the interim? All the work that the freedom riders did & look at the current state of the education system and the lack of participation among parents. Participation shit, lack of caring.
Gonz said:
I can buy that. What happened duing the interim? All the work that the freedom riders did & look at the current state of the education system and the lack of participation among parents. Participation shit, lack of caring.

During the late 1970's to today, I put the blame squarely on the shoulders of those who refused to do their part, and accept responsibility to actually learn something.
Let me give you an example of why I'm driven crazy by this.

When our son was in public school, the PTA had a yearly book sale. They had extra copies of certain "little kid books" & novels so they were all sold off to buy new books. Included in this was some crap to appeal to the kids...fancy erasers & pencils, sharpeners, stuff like that. Every year my wife worked these sales. Some kids came & bought their Clifford Pisses on the Mailman books & went away happy. A few daring brainiacs bought the Little Reader Albert Einstein Uncovered:an unauthorized & unwanted biograpy of the master of both phyics & B&D. The cheesy crap flew out the door but by & large the book fair made a little cash & bought a few more lie-bury books.

Without fail, every year, bar none, there were two or three parents who came in, apparently after work & after being bugged to death by their children, with the little rug rats. Well, lil Miss Iwannalearn would go & pick up a book. Young Mister Getahead would have actually stashed one or two away, in a corner so they'd be safe & sound so his mom or dad (who am I kidding?, twas always mom) only to have the nasty skanky bitch look at the kids & protest, loudly & proudly I may add, something to the effect of "Whacha goin' ta do wid dat? It be lying on da floor & in my way. Get a pencil & hurry up, we go to be at (hairdresser, boyfriends, work, momma's) in ten minutes."

So when the kids want to learn the parents disrespect them & when the kid has learned to be stupid, the parents bitch about it. Vicious fucking circle that makes me sick.
One thing, Gonz. Stupidity is not learned because stupidity is not taught. Stupidity is accepted. ;)
Black Children discriminated against again

Tolerate this:
Statistics shake out in this order

1. Asians
2. Whites (Caucasians?)
3. "Blacks"

Lowest rate of illegitimate births
Lowest rate of teen pregnancy
Lowest rate of incarceration
Lowest rate of welfare recipients
Highest rate of High School graduation
Highest scores nationally on the SAT tests
Highest Rate of college enrollment

ect ect...

The Dr. Bill Cosby has hit the proverbial nail on the head.

Yes blacks here for 400 hundred years
burning Korean shop owners stores in the L.A. riots
folks that had arrived here 20-40 years ago.
Gee, Gonz. Could Bill have also been talking about the previous post when he said 'Let them talk'? ;)
Gonz said:
I can buy that. What happened duing the interim? All the work that the freedom riders did & look at the current state of the education system and the lack of participation among parents. Participation shit, lack of caring.
Sad thing is, the majority of parents aren't that way. Enough are to help drag the system down the toilet though. What's really happened in the interim is a lot of self-righteous breast beating followed by unqualified people treating the symptoms and ignoring the problems. The real problem is kids don't have to learn anything to get through school. Instead of making sure they learn something, we worry about their self-esteem. How much self -esteem must someone have when they know they aren't even qualified to fill out a job application?
chcr said:
Sad thing is, the majority of parents aren't that way. Enough are to help drag the system down the toilet though. What's really happened in the interim is a lot of self-righteous breast beating followed by unqualified people treating the symptoms and ignoring the problems. The real problem is kids don't have to learn anything to get through school. Instead of making sure they learn something, we worry about their self-esteem. How much self -esteem must someone have when they know they aren't even qualified to fill out a job application?

Good point. Instead of spending the time, and effort, to teach those who are disadvantaged, society has said 'Don't bother'. By not requiring the testing that advantaged children require, we have let at least one generation of children get swept out of society's potential limelight. I'm sure that some would excel anyway, but the majority will just plod along because society would rather leave them behind than force them to stand on their own 2 feet.
"advantaged children"

Would that be Kids with two parents that give a sh*t?

"society's potential limelight"

OK I can't even begin to know what
that's supposed to mean.

"the same day I return to the states"

So where are you?
Winky said:
"advantaged children"

Would that be Kids with two parents that give a sh*t?

"society's potential limelight"

OK I can't even begin to know what
that's supposed to mean.

"the same day I return to the states"

So where are you?

Gato is playing in a really big sandbox...with REALLY REALLY big spiders *shudders*
It came to me inna flash while reading the title of this thread!

How totally racist it is to exclude (colored negro black African-americans) from IQ tests!!! Really the lefties are the biggest racists of all time!!! I'm left to ponder why (people of colah) vote 98% demorat every time?

Stay safe in the sandbox Gato and return to enjoy the country you have made the sacrifice to keep free!